Extract the downloaded OBEROn
Platform zip file with the latest OBEROn release into a folder
on a server or a client machine.
You can find the following scripts:
- startdesign runs the Enterprise
Context Design client
- startobjects runs the Domain
Object Manipulatiion client
- startclient runs a Desktop Application (SWT) client
- ooql opens the command
line console
- rmistart1079, rmistart1089 .. start the OBEROn
RMI server on port 1079,1089 ..
- install runs the OBEROn Installer (build >=0053)
The previous applications don't work until the underground
database is not installed and configured; you can choose to:
- install on a MySQL database
- install on an Oracle database
- install on an PostgreSQL database
MySQL Installation
- Install the MySQL server
Download and install MySql
5.1.* or a more recent version. [
MySQL 5.0.* is also supported ]
After the Wizard completed
the installation, configure the server as follow:

choose the detailed configuration

select the server type depending on the performance

set the InnoDB tablespace installation Path (the
location for the database data)
set the number of concurrent connections to the
if the server is used for the production purpose choose the OLTP
otherwise should be sufficient the OLAP option.
set the networking options: if it is necessary,
you can change the port number
and open the firewall for this port
select the UTF8 character set (support
for multilingualism)
set the Windows service options
set the root password
- Create the OBEROn schema
Using the MySQL Administrator (included into the MySQL
Tools for 5.0) create a new database schema named OBEROn:

NOTE: for better performances set: innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2 in the mysql conf file (my.ini)
Oracle Installation
- Install the Oracle server
With the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant
create a new database which support the UTF8 character set (for
multilingualism). You can use also an already defined database with
the same character set. Add new TNSNAME for your Oracle server and
client (set the SID with the same name of the database you've already
- Install the Oracle client
The Oracle client is required for OBEROn installation
with OCI driver. You can avoid to install the client but, in this
case, you need to download
the DLL / SO libraries for JDBC connection, according to your
system operator and put them inside the java library path.
PostgreSQL Installation
- Install the PostgreSQL server
Download and install PostgreSql
9.0.6 or a more recent version.

- Create the OBEROn database
Using the pgAdmin console create a new database named OBEROn setting Encoding=UTF8 in the Definition tab:

This tool is available from the release
2.0 build 0053 and you can start it by running the install.bat (or .sh)
[NOTE: this script launches a java class, you need
Java (JRE/JDK) 1.6 or greater installed; if the java command is
not in the system PATH, please edit the install script and set the absolute path for the java command]

Set the Operating System (OS), the database
type and the Java Development Kit (JDK) home path - OBEROn requires
the JDK 1.6 or greater.
If you select "Another SWT supported platform", download
the SWT Binary libraries from the Eclipse
SWT official web-site and and put the swt.jar only into the
./lib/swt/other folder.

Compile the Database Parameters:
- Oracle: the database name is also the TNSNAME (SID) defined in
the tnsnames.ora
- MySQL: the database name is the schema name previously created
- PostgreSQL: the name of the database previously created
The tablespace datafile (TS Datafile)
is optional and represents the datafile for creating the OBEROn
administration tablespace [default is OBADMIN.DBF]
Note: MySQL 5.0 and PostgreSQL for Windows
don't support tablespaces.
The install script connects to the database
with an administration access during the installation process, in details:
- Oracle: set the "sys@sysdba" user account
- MySQL: set the "root" user account
- PostgreSQL: set the "postgres" user account
A new user will be
created for all the next operations with full access on the OBEROn DB/Schema.
Finally you have to set a password for the first OBEROn user (ADMIN); this user will allow you to create more administration/application users inside the OBEROn Platform.

If you click "Next" the installer
will start the installation process:

Wait until the confirm message appears at the end; click Finish button to execute the OBEROn Enterprise Context Design administration client.

The installation process updates the config.bat and etc/oberon.ini files according to the installation options (operating system, database drivers, jdk path, connection account, etc.); you can find in etc/oberon.ini file the two parameters uid=ADMIN and pwd=<the ADMIN user password> ; you may change them, after you create new OBEROn users, to directly access to the Enterprise Context Design or to the other clients without a login.
Copy the oberon.ini file and rename to ***_oberon.ini in the etc folder to keep a backup of your current configuration; the oberon.bat (.sh) allows you to select from different ***_oberon.ini files in the etc folder before execute the Enterprise Context Design client (startdesign.xx), the Domain Object Manipulation client (startobjects.xx), the OOQL console (ooql.xx) or the OBEROn application client (startclient.xx).

Note: oberon.bat(.sh) overwrites the current oberon.ini with the selected configuration file.