
create new web application

This page shows how to simply create a new web application and access it with user accounts.
We assume that OBEROn is already installed on a database [installation instructions ] and you have installed and configured a Java application server (like Tomcat or WebLogic).

Download the sample web-app file [WAR], save as "oberon_sample.war"
[ or the Web Application Common Package from the Downloads page ]

deploy the war into your application server; this will create a new webapp folder named "oberon_sample":

Open the "oberon.properties" file and setup the parameters to point to your OBEROn database; you can choose the proper settings following the configuration instructions (case C).

Start the java application server and open the web browser to access the application url:


If you try to login with a username and password and you didn't define that OBEROn user you will receive a message like this:
"OBEROn Login for user '.......' FAILED: #EXFW0002: User ....... does not exist.

On the other hand, if you have already defined the user but not the menu, or if the user hasn't rights to access this application you will get a page without any command:

This mean you have first to define the application schema using the "Context Design" client.
[Open the "oberon.ini" file and set up the parameter to point to the same OBEROn database: see the configuration instructions (case A or B)]

First of all you should create application users by clicking on the "Add new User" menu button and by compiling the form with the user data. This automatically will give access to the application from the web-browser login page.

The users you have just created are added to the current tab and you can see them also expanding the User node in the administration object tree on the left.

As you saw above, access the application is not very usefull until you don't have the ability to perform actions within it. To define the possible actions that each user can execute inside the application you must create a set of commands organized into menus and submenus.
The menu structure is hierarchical as usual and derives from a starting node called the application main menu. You can start creating this root node by clicking on the "Add new Menu" button and by compiling the relative form (your user must be enabled for menu management access ).

The name of the main menu node must be set also in the "web.xml" file inside the webapp/WEB-INF folder. This file includes the main application settings and in particular the "application_main_menu" that indicates the webapp to load the specified menu structure when the user accesses into the application.

Note: a web application can have a public section (where a user accesses as anonymous) and a private section (where the user has to insert its credential to be able to access). Both public and private sections have a menu bar: inside the private section the access to the menu-commands is based on the user identity, inside the public section the menus are configured according to the "anonymous" user grants. When a web user opens the web-site index page (generally included in the public part) the application automatically logs in to the OBEROn platform with the "anonymous_user" account; so, you have to create this user inside the platform and declare the anonymous_user_name and anonymous_user_password into the web.xml file.

Starting from the main node you can define now the application menu structure: for example you can add a LogOut command using the "Add new Command" button (your user must be enabled for command management access ).

The Commands are the terminal nodes of the menu tree and represent the menu actions: in particular a command calls a web url to perform the related action. A command can be included into one or more menu structures.

You can also define an application module and collect all related command into a sub-menu. For example, you will create a new sub-menu named "AppModule1" with single command inside named "DefineCustomer". This command will open a web form to generate a new OBEROn object instance (for example a company customer).

To add a command or a sub-menu to a parent menu, you have to open the menu form (double click on the menu object from the working tab or from the administration object tree on the left) and connect the objects together by searching the command or sub-menu in the "SubMenus / Commands" tab.

The same action can be repeated for the sub-menu to add a child menu or a command and generate the entire hierarchy.

After completed the menu structure, you have to define the user access rights to each command, in other words, you have to indicate the users that can show a given command and so execute it. This association can be done by opening the command form and adding the enabled users in the "Execute Rights" tab.

In many cases it is not convenient to directly associate a command to a user because the actions represented by the command itself must be performed by multiple users. We can then define a role/assignment (Add new Assignment button) common to multiple users and enable the command for the given role. This is also valid for all actions that can be done on the system like object creation, validation, connection, etc.

For example the LogOut command is a basic action that each user should be able to perform; in this case you can create an assignment named "Observer" and associate all defined users to it.

If you connect the assignment "Observer" to the LogOut command then all users that have this role will be able to see and execute the command.

Now you are ready to access the application from a web-browser: simply login by using the username and password.

The user1 can see the Module1 and the child command DefineCustomer because he has the direct access to execute it. He can also see the LogOut command because of the indirect access rights inherited from the Observer role.

On the other hand the user2 can see only the LogOut command because he doesn't have access to the DefineCustomer command.

If your web-application has a public area and you would avoid the login for the guest users then you can create a basic user with a public menu structure and set up the application to automatically login with this user. Simply edit the web.xml configuration file as seen above and set the anonymous_user_name and anonymous_user_password parameters with the guest user account credentials. To access the restricted area you can add a LogIn command to the public menu structure with Href equal to "index.jsp?user=" (the "user" get parameter can be empty, but not null otherwise you create a loop because the simple url "index.jsp" automatically login with the guest user)

You can change the top banner or the menu style editing the images and the style-sheet (style.css) inside the "menu_files" folder.
Menus and commands can have icons (stored into the DB). You can add them with the "Context Design" client by selecting the image files from your local folder.

- The user menu structure is loaded only when the user login, so if you make changes to it you have to re-login to see these modifications.

Web forms

The actual implementation of a form depends on the type of application where it is used; in a web application you can create your own JSP page or servlet to generate the HTML code based on the OBEROn form definition. The oberon_sample application include the forms.jsp; it is an implementation of form render engine. Including this file into your jsp pages you have four static methods to perform the main form manipulation actions:

viewing / editing data
  createHTMLForm ( String actionPage , ObjectBase obj_link, Form form , ApplicationRequest request )
    composes and returns the HTML form filled with the object or link field values; the parameters are:
- actionPage : is the form action page (usually this page include the saveFormData method)
- obj_link : the object or the link (java object) to edit/show (create new empty object instance if you want use the form in order to create the object)
- form : is the OBEROn form object instance (normally is cached to avoid continuous db accesses)
- request : is the ApplicationRequest derived from the HttpServletRequest request
( String forwardPage , ObjectBase obj_link , Form form , ApplicationRequest request )
    saves the form values; the parameters are:
- forwardPage : is the forward page
- obj_link : the object or the link (java object) to edit
- form : is the OBEROn form object instance
- request : is the ApplicationRequest derived from the HttpServletRequest request
searching objects
  createHTMLSearchForm ( String actionPage , Form form , ApplicationRequest request )
    composes and returns the HTML form representing the search filters ; the parameters are:
- actionPage : is the form action page (usually this page include the searchObjects method)
- form : is the OBEROn form object instance (normally is cached to avoid continuous db accesses)
- request : is the ApplicationRequest derived from the HttpServletRequest request
( Form form , ApplicationRequest request )
    performs the query applying the search filters ; the parameters are:
- form : is the OBEROn form object instance
- request : is the ApplicationRequest derived from the HttpServletRequest request

The forms.jsp page requires the javascript part (forms.js) and the style-sheet (forms.css) to be employed. You can see an example of its usage into the edit.jsp code.

First of all you have to retrieve the object ID from the request and establish if you are using the form for edit or create a new instance. When the ID is null you have to create a new java object instance otherwise you can load the object values from the OBEROn DB.

<%@include file ="library.jsp"%>
  // Get the object id as input parameter
String sID = request.getParameter("id");
boolean bCreateNew;
boolean bClone = false;
ObjectObj object;
Framework framework = Application.getFramework(session);
if ( sID==null || sID.length()==0 || getInputParameter("create",request).equals("true")) {
    // Create a new object
object = new ObjectObj();
// Remove the "Object" from session to hide the object contextual menu
  } else {
    // Open the object and read its properties
if ( getInputParameter("clone",request).equals("true") ) { bClone=true; }
object = ObjectObj.open(sID,framework);
// Add the "Object" to session to show the object contextual menu

Next you can retrieve the form name from the request; this parameter is mandatory in order to create a new object instance. You can avoid to pass it only if you are using the form to edit an existing instance and the object's class has an associated default form.

  // Get the create/edit Form name as input parameter
String sFormName = getInputParameter("form",request);
if ( sFormName.length()==0 ) {
    // When the form is not passed as input parameter try to get it from the object class
Class objclass = Class.open(object.getClassName(),framework,null);
Form form = Form.open(sFormName,framework,null);

The previous parts are required for both the createHTMLForm and saveFormData; you can choose to create two jsp pages for the form presentation and the form action or include both methods into the same page. In this case, first you have to place the saveFormData and then the createHTMLForm. Infact, the saveFormData can recognize if you are loading the page for the first time or if you are loading it to perform the form action. If you are creating a new object instance, the saveFormData result can be the forwardPage URL with appended the new object ID in order to jump to the object visualization/edit page (edit.jsp again but with the object ID in the request).

  // Save the object data or create it
String sForwardPage = saveFormData( bCreateNew?"edit.jsp":"" , object , form ,
  if ( sForwardPage.length()>0 ) {
    // A new object is succesfully created - go forward to the object detail page

<script language=javascript>document.location.href="<%= sForwardPage %>";</script>

Otherwise, if you are already in the visualization/edit page the code execution can continue showing the form with object values. The createHTMLForm returns the html code representing the form filled with object values; you can directly put this code into the html response. As we have included both methods into the same page, the action page must be the edit.jsp page.
The HttpServletRequest must be converted to the ApplicationRequest by public method convertRequest.

<%@include file ="forms.jsp" %>
<!-- Print the html form with object field values->
<%= createHTMLForm( getRootPath(session)+applicationPath+"edit.jsp" , object , form , convertRequest(request)) %>



Multi-language management

Label translation is usually performend according to the user default language but it is also possible to retrieve the language from the http-request (the browser language): you just have to set the "use_browser_language" option inside the web.xml file equals to "true".

When you define languages into OBEROn you should consider to use the standard ISO 639 codes:


The browser language codes are defined according to this standard:

af Afrikaans
sq Albanian
ar-sa Arabic(Saudi Arabia)
ar-iq Arabic(Iraq)
ar-eg Arabic(Egypt)
ar-ly Arabic(Libya)
ar-dz Arabic(Algeria)
ar-ma Arabic(Morocco)
ar-tn Arabic(Tunisia)
ar-om Arabic(Oman)
ar-ye Arabic(Yemen)
ar-sy Arabic(Syria)
ar-jo Arabic(Jordan)
ar-lb Arabic(Lebanon)
ar-kw Arabic(Kuwait)
ar-ae Arabic(U.A.E.)
ar-bh Arabic(Bahrain)
ar-qa Arabic(Qatar)
eu Basque
bg Bulgarian
be Belarusian
ca Catalan
zh-tw Chinese(Taiwan)
zh-cn Chinese(PRC)
zh-hk Chinese(Hong Kong)
zh-sg Chinese(Singapore)
hr Croatian
cs Czech
da Danish
nl Dutch(Standard)
nl-be Dutch(Belgian)
en English
en-us English(United States)
en-gb English(British)
en-au English(Australian)
en-ca English(Canadian)
en-nz English(New Zealand)
en-ie English(Ireland)
en-za English(South Africa)
en-jm English(Jamaica)
en-ca English(Caribbean)
en-bz English(Belize)
en-tt English(Trinidad)
et Estonian
fo Faeroese
fa Farsi
fi Finnish
fr French(Standard)
fr-be French(Belgian)
fr-ca French(Canadian)
fr-ch French(Swiss)
fr-lu French(Luxembourg)
mk Macedonian (FYROM)
gd Gaelic(Scots)
de German(Standard)
de-ch German(Swiss)
de-at German(Austrian)
de-lu German(Luxembourg)
de-li German(Liechtenstein)
el Greek
he Hebrew
hi Hindi
hu Hungarian
is Icelandic
in Indonesian
it Italian(Standard)
it-ch Italian(Swiss)
ja Japanese
ko Korean
ko Korean(Johab)
lv Latvian
lt Lithuanian
ms Malaysian
mt Maltese
no Norwegian(Bokmal)
no Norwegian(Nynorsk)
pl Polish
pt-br Portuguese(Brazil)
pt Portuguese(Portugal)
rm Rhaeto-Romanic
ro Romanian
ro-mo Romanian(Moldavia)
ru Russian
ru-mo Russian(Moldavia)
sz Sami(Lappish)
sr Serbian(Cyrillic)
sr Serbian(Latin)
sk Slovak
sl Slovenian
sb Sorbian
es Spanish(Spain – Traditional Sort)
es-mx Spanish(Mexican)
es-gt Spanish(Guatemala)
es-cr Spanish(Costa Rica)
es-pa Spanish(Panama)
es-do Spanish(Dominican Republic)
es-ve Spanish(Venezuela)
es-co Spanish(Colombia)
es-pe Spanish(Peru)
es-ar Spanish(Argentina)
es-ec Spanish(Ecuador)
es-c Spanish(Chile)
es-uy Spanish(Uruguay)
es-py Spanish(Paraguay)
es-bo Spanish(Bolivia)
es-sv Spanish(El Salvador)
es-hn Spanish(Honduras)
es-ni Spanish(Nicaragua)
es-pr Spanish(Puerto Rico)
sx Sutu
sv Swedish
sv-fi Swedish(Finland)
th Thai
ts Tsonga
tn Tswana
tr Turkish
uk Ukrainian
ur Urdu
ve Venda
vi Vietnamese
xh Xhosa
ji Yiddish
zu Zulu

If you choosed to employ the ISO codes for the OBEROn dictionary or if the "use_browser_language" option is set to false, you don't need a mapping. Otherwise, you have to add the mapping between the OBEROn dictionary languages and the browser languages inside the application main menu features:

Features "application_Languages" and "browser_Languages" contain the lists of the OBEROn dictionary languages and the respective browser languages separated by comma. The language mapping must respect the order in both lists.

When the "use_browser_language" option is set to false, the application uses the default user OBEROn language defined in the user form, so if you login with the user1 or with the user2 you can see the difference when they have a different default language.

Differently, if "use_browser_language" is true, you can change the application language only if you select another language from your web browser options.

NOTE: If a label is not yet translated into the OBEROn dictionary you can see the translation as soon as you add it, but when you change the translation text you can't see the effect until you reset the dictionary cache. For this purpose you can call the "dictionary-reload.jsp" page from the web-browser (e.g. http://<HOST>:<PORT>/oberon_sample/dictionary-reload.jsp)

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