application |
the associated application menu |
class |
list of classes where the field is used |
default |
the field default value (if changed, all field
instances with old default value will assume the new default
value) |
description |
the field description |
event |
event associated to a check or action trigger |
force |
this flag allows to ignore errors during the creation/update
(for example, the trigger programs not yet defined) |
hidden |
administration hidden objects are not visible/usable |
image |
local path for the field icon to upload |
imagedata |
base64 code for the field icon |
linktype |
list of linktypes where the field is used |
moddate |
last modification date |
multiline |
if set, the field value is showed as a textual
box in the user interface instead of single line |
multiple |
if set, the field value can assume one or more
specific range values seperated by comma |
name |
the field name |
program |
trigger program associated to a specific event |
range |
represents a specific value (=), an interval (open/closed/left-open/right-open)
or a constraint (!=,<,>,<=,>=) for the field value.
Constraints must be all satisfied. |
range.program |
a program used to generate the specific range
values |
range[program] |
list of specific range values computed by the
range.program |
range.value |
returns "true" if the field has one or more range values (=) defined |
range[value] |
list of range values (=) defined for this field |
reset |
set if the field value must be resetted to the default when the object is revised, cloned or in both cases (oncreate) |
svnrev |
SVN repository revision number |
today |
if default is "today" for date / datetime type, the field will be initialized with current date / time when you create a new instance of object/link |
type |
the field data type:
string |
A variable character array
with maximum length equal to 255 |
text |
A Character Large Object
(CLOB) |
integer |
A signed integer value
included between -231 and +231-1 |
real |
A signed double precision
value |
boolean |
The only permissible values
for a boolean variable are "true" and "false"
(or empty if not set) |
date |
A date value in ISO
format: "yyyy-MM-dd" |
datetime |
A date-time value with
format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
or "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" (time is related to
default GMT TimeZone) |
umtype |
the unit measure family type for values of real fields (length,area,volume,mass..)
the default unitmeasure is the SI unit for the family type (ex. area: square meter) |
unitmeasure |
list of alternative unit measures associated to this field |
usermeasure |
the unit measure for the user metric system |
userunit |
the unit measure symbol for the user metric system |
workflow |
workflow associated to a specific event (starts
automatically) |