Extension Library for Android
The mobile applications and the mobile revolution have brought the best out of companies and organisations that want to connect seamlessly with their customers. Nowadays reaching your customer via mobile platforms is a commercial necessity. Every organisation now has to plan for mobile so they can harness the demand.
The popularity of smartphone and tablet devices and their endless possibilities shows you that they represent a real opportunity to communicate effectively with new and existing audiences.
Developing web applications for mobile devices is not an optimal solution, because the user interface is not simply to use in small displays, so, in many case ad hoc mobile apps are deployed to the customers in order to access the company data (for example for managing bank accounts, for accessing the social networks and so on ).
In most cases, when you create a mobile application to access the company databases, you need to replicate the business logic inside it and create all communication interfaces between the mobile clients and the centralized server.

The version 4.0 of OBEROn platform introduced the Androd Extension Library (AEL): it is a single java package (jar) that you can include inside the Android applications you are developing. It allows to connect your mobile device to the company server and provides all java SDK classes to retrieve, manage and save business object instances without caring about the connection protocols or the security issues. In this way, you can reuse all the business logic at the server side and limit the development only to the high level user interfaces (note that also the user interface logic, like user input data checks, selection values and the input masks are also computed inside the OBEROn http server).
Here is a sample code that shows how simple is to use the OBEROn SDK classes inside Android applications:
public class OberonTestActivity extends Application {
// Load the configuration parameters (server url,..) from the Android shared preferences
conf = new Configuration(this);
// Open the HTTP connection pool
- and login if account specified in the preferences
// Login with user account
- not required if already logged in
// openFramework(username , password);
// Change a business object property (field value)
ObjectObj object =
// Execute an OOQL command
Vector results = performOOQLCommands("object show 'Class' 'Name' 'Revision' |
get { id field[FieldName] moddate moduser } token xml ;");
String xmlResult
= (String) results.elementAt(0);
... |
} |