OBEROn 2.4 - Fast application development - 2011-09-12 10:55 - administrator [Announcement]
The main enhancements are:
- unit measure management: a metric system (or a set of unit measures) can be defined for single and multiple users so that every user can easily insert/edit/read object field values according to its - customizable - unit measure
- message localization: platform error/exception messages can be translated throught the internal dictionary
- ability to store the list of latest accessed objects for each user
- functionality for saving the search criteria (global query) and share them with all users
- new tool to automatically define UI forms, based on class fields

Besides, the form creation wizard allows to improve the application development significantly, by limiting the process to the following five steps:
1- analyze the application context
2- define the entities, their properties, the logical relationship among them
3- define the actors, their roles and the actions they can do in the information flow
4- execute the form generator to create the user interface
5- deploy the application for the proper rendering engine (HTML/JSP, SWT, JSF, Android ... )

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