Uses of Class

Packages that use OBBase

Uses of OBBase in com.oberon.ooql.sdk

Subclasses of OBBase in com.oberon.ooql.sdk
 class AdminBase
          A base class for Admin Objects.
 class AdminComponent
          A base class for components of Admin Objects.
 class Assignment
          Assignment Admin Object: defines a User role for the application context.
 class AutoNumber
          AutoNumber Admin Object: generates progressive names with a given format.
 class Class
          Class Admin Object: defines an OBEROn object [ObjectObj] type.
 class Column
          View - Column: represents a user View column.
 class Command
          Command Admin Object: defines a Menu-Command item for a web user interface
 class Dump
          Exports/Imports/Compares OBEROn data to/from dump files
 class Feature
          Feature Admin Object: defines a property for an administrative object or a link between two admin objects.
 class Field
          Field Admin Object: defines an OBEROn object [ObjectObj] or Link field.
 class FieldRange
          Defines valid values/intervals (ranges) for Field objects.
 class FileSpace
          FileSpace Admin Object: defines a object file container on file system.
 class FileType
          FileType Admin Object: defines file mime format.
 class Form
          Form Admin Object: defines a web form.
 class Graph
          Graph Admin Object: generates chart images for application usage
 class Item
          Form - Item: represents a user Form element.
 class Lifecycle
          Lifecycle Admin Object: defines object lifecycle policies.
 class Link
          Link between two OBEROn ObjectObj instances.
 class LinkType
          LinkType Admin Object: defines a type of relationship between OBEROn object [ObjectObj] instances.
 class LocalArea
          LocalArea Admin Object: defines a file container on a distributed file system.
 class Mail
          Mail object: used to access a User's mailbox and to send internal / external mail
 class Menu
          Menu Admin Object: defines menu structures for web/client applications
 class MenuItem
 class MetricSystem
          MetricSystem Admin Object: collection of UnitMeasures
 class ObjectBase
          A base class for ObjectObj and Link instances.
 class ObjectDelegation
          Class used to manage ObjectObj's delegations.
 class ObjectFile
          Class used to retrieve ObjectObj attached file content and metadata.
 class ObjectGroup
          Object Group: represents a User facility to collect ObjectObj isntances for generic purpose
 class ObjectObj
          OBEROn object: defines application contextual objects
 class ObjectSpace
          ObjectSpace Admin Object: defines a object container on database.
 class ObjectStage
          Class used to retrieve Lifecycle-Stages for a specific ObjectObj.
 class ObjectValidation
          Class used to retrieve Lifecycle-Stage-Validations for a specific ObjectObj.
 class Process
          Process Object: defines running workflow instance.
 class ProcessStep
          Represents a Process step.
 class Program
          Program Admin Object: defines java programs employed as event Triggers or object methods
 class Query
          Query: represents a User query for OBEROn ObjectObj instances
 class Stage
          Represents a Lifecycle stage.
 class Step
          Represents a Workflow step.
 class Team
          Team Admin Object: defines a group of Users.
 class Transition
          Represents a Workflow Step transition.
 class Trigger
          Class used to let Programs work as event triggers.
 class UnitMeasure
          UnitMeasure Admin Object: defines a Unit Measure for Field values representation
 class User
          User Admin Object: defines a OBEROn User
 class Validation
          Represents a Lifecycle Stage validation.
 class View
          View: represents a [User] View used to show object properties in tabled format
 class WebService
          WebService Admin Object: defines java programs employed as SOAP interfaces
 class Workflow
          Workflow Admin Object: defines a workflow.

Methods in com.oberon.ooql.sdk that return OBBase
 OBBase Selector.getTargetInstance()
          Get the target object instance

Methods in com.oberon.ooql.sdk with parameters of type OBBase
static java.lang.String Dump.compareAdminObject(OBBase refObj, OBBase dbObj, boolean feature, boolean image, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Compare a reference administrative object with its DB version
 Selector Selector.setTargetInstance(OBBase objInstance)
          Set the target object instance


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