Package com.oberon.ooql.sdk

Interface Summary
ProgramCode ProgramCode: defines OBEROn java Programs interface

Class Summary
ActorAccess Defines the Actor Access
AdminBase A base class for Admin Objects.
AdminComponent A base class for components of Admin Objects.
AdminQuery Used to extract administrative objects.
Arg Collects all Trigger argument names
Assignment Assignment Admin Object: defines a User role for the application context.
AutoNumber AutoNumber Admin Object: generates progressive names with a given format.
Class Class Admin Object: defines an OBEROn object [ObjectObj] type.
Column View - Column: represents a user View column.
Command Command Admin Object: defines a Menu-Command item for a web user interface
Dictionary Stores language translations on the database for application usage.
Dump Exports/Imports/Compares OBEROn data to/from dump files
Event Collects all Trigger event names
Feature Feature Admin Object: defines a property for an administrative object or a link between two admin objects.
Field Field Admin Object: defines an OBEROn object [ObjectObj] or Link field.
FieldRange Defines valid values/intervals (ranges) for Field objects.
FileOperator Class used to perform operations on ObjectObj attached files
FileSpace FileSpace Admin Object: defines a object file container on file system.
FileType FileType Admin Object: defines file mime format.
Form Form Admin Object: defines a web form.
FormUserItem Form - Item instance associated to a specific user
FormUserItem.Value Value element: combines the effective value with display value
FormUserItem.ValueComparator Comparator for sorting the values based on the display value
Framework Defines the OBEROn session parameters and status.
Graph Graph Admin Object: generates chart images for application usage
GraphStyler Manages the chart parameters
GraphValues Manages the chart values
Item Form - Item: represents a user Form element.
JLClient Utility functions for Triggers and Programs usage
Lifecycle Lifecycle Admin Object: defines object lifecycle policies.
Link Link between two OBEROn ObjectObj instances.
LinkType LinkType Admin Object: defines a type of relationship between OBEROn object [ObjectObj] instances.
LocalArea LocalArea Admin Object: defines a file container on a distributed file system.
Mail Mail object: used to access a User's mailbox and to send internal / external mail
Menu Menu Admin Object: defines menu structures for web/client applications
MetricSystem MetricSystem Admin Object: collection of UnitMeasures
Navigator Class used to perform ObjectObj navigation throw their Links
OBBase A base class for all administrative/contextual OBEROn objects
OberonMessages Collects all internal messages (for Exceptions/Notifications) in English language
ObjectBase A base class for ObjectObj and Link instances.
ObjectDelegation Class used to manage ObjectObj's delegations.
ObjectFile Class used to retrieve ObjectObj attached file content and metadata.
ObjectGroup Object Group: represents a User facility to collect ObjectObj isntances for generic purpose
ObjectObj OBEROn object: defines application contextual objects
ObjectSpace ObjectSpace Admin Object: defines a object container on database.
ObjectStage Class used to retrieve Lifecycle-Stages for a specific ObjectObj.
ObjectValidation Class used to retrieve Lifecycle-Stage-Validations for a specific ObjectObj.
OOQLCommand Basic class for executing OBEROn OOQL commands
Process Process Object: defines running workflow instance.
ProcessStep Represents a Process step.
Program Program Admin Object: defines java programs employed as event Triggers or object methods
ProgressCounter The Progress Counter is used to retrieve the percentage of file upload / download
ProgressListener The Progress Listener to be used with Progress Counter for managing update events
Query Query: represents a User query for OBEROn ObjectObj instances
Selector Class used to perform ObjectObj, Link and administrative object property selection
Stage Represents a Lifecycle stage.
Step Represents a Workflow step.
Team Team Admin Object: defines a group of Users.
Transition Represents a Workflow Step transition.
Trigger Class used to let Programs work as event triggers.
UnitMeasure UnitMeasure Admin Object: defines a Unit Measure for Field values representation
User User Admin Object: defines a OBEROn User
Validation Represents a Lifecycle Stage validation.
View View: represents a [User] View used to show object properties in tabled format
ViewUserColumn View - Column instance associated to a specific user
ViewUserColumn.Value Value element: combines the effective value with display value
WebService WebService Admin Object: defines java programs employed as SOAP interfaces
Workflow Workflow Admin Object: defines a workflow.

Exception Summary
OberonException Generic OBEROn Exception


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