Uses of Class

Packages that use Framework

Uses of Framework in com.oberon.client

Fields in com.oberon.client declared as Framework
 Framework Application.framework
          OBEROn user framework

Methods in com.oberon.client that return Framework
static Framework Application.getFramework(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session)
          Retrieve the current framework from the HttpSession

Methods in com.oberon.client with parameters of type Framework
static void Application.setFramework(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session, Framework framework)
          Save the current framework into the HttpSession

Uses of Framework in com.oberon.client.common

Methods in com.oberon.client.common with parameters of type Framework
static java.lang.String Forms.getTranslatedValue(java.lang.String section, java.lang.String keyFormat, java.lang.String subKey, Framework framework)
          Returns a sub-keyword translation

Uses of Framework in com.oberon.ooql.connection

Methods in com.oberon.ooql.connection with parameters of type Framework
static OBConnection ConnectionManager.getConnection(Framework framework)
          Get a connection from the connection POOL
static OBConnection ConnectionManager.getConnection(Framework framework, Application app)
          Get the OBEROn connection from the connection POOL
static void ConnectionManager.releaseConnection(Framework framework)
          Release the framework connection after the use
static void ConnectionManager.releaseConnection(OBConnection conn, Framework framework)
          Release the OBEROn connection after the use

Uses of Framework in com.oberon.ooql.sdk

Methods in com.oberon.ooql.sdk that return Framework
 Framework Form.action(Framework framework, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> args)
          Execute the Action program
 Framework Form.check(Framework framework, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> args)
          Execute the Check program
 Framework Command.execute(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> parameters, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs)
          Execute the Command
 Framework Program.execute(Framework framework, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> args)
          Execute the Program
 Framework Command.execute(Framework framework, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs)
          Execute the Command
 Framework Framework.getPreviousFramework()
          Return the previous framework from the Framework stack
 Framework ProgramCode.OberonMain(java.util.Vector args, Framework framework)
          The Main method (executed as default)
 Framework Framework.restore()
          Close the current Framework and return to the previous extracted from the Framework stack.
 Framework Framework.switchTo(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
          Generate a new Framework for another User and copy the session status.

Methods in com.oberon.ooql.sdk with parameters of type Framework
 java.lang.String ObjectValidation.accessToString(Framework framework)
          Get the list of framework User validation accesses for the current ObjectValidation
 java.lang.String ObjectStage.accessToString(Framework framework)
          Get the list of framework User accesses for the current ObjectObj at this Stage (as String)
 java.lang.String Link.accessToString(Framework framework)
          Get the list of framework User accesses for this Link (as String)
 java.lang.String ObjectValidation.accessToString(java.lang.String userName, Framework framework)
          Get the list of User validation accesses for the current ObjectObj at this Stage (as String)
 java.lang.String ObjectStage.accessToString(java.lang.String userName, Framework framework)
          Get the list of User accesses for the current ObjectObj at this Stage (as String)
 java.lang.String Link.accessToString(java.lang.String userName, Framework framework)
          Get the list of User accesses for this Link (as String)
 Framework Form.action(Framework framework, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> args)
          Execute the Action program
 void ObjectBase.addHistory(int event, java.lang.String text, java.lang.String note, Framework framework)
          Register custom event on the history table
 void ObjectObj.autocreate(java.lang.String autoNumberName, Framework framework)
          Create the new ObjectObj instance on the database using an AutoNumber
 void Dictionary.check(boolean update, java.io.DataOutputStream logStream, Framework framework)
          Check if declared keyword / sub-keyword translations are present inside the dictionary
 void ObjectSpace.check(Framework framework)
          Check the if ObjectObj's data are correct
 void LocalArea.check(Framework framework)
          Check the if file metadata are correct for this LocalArea
 void FileSpace.check(Framework framework)
          Check the if file metadata are correct for this Filespace
 Framework Form.check(Framework framework, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> args)
          Execute the Check program
 void ObjectObj.clone(boolean copyFiles, Framework framework)
          Create the new ObjectObj instance on the database, cloning it from this ObjectObj
 void Link.clone(Framework framework)
          Create the new Link on the database (connect two ObjectObj instances) cloning it from this Link
 void ObjectObj.clone(java.lang.String newName, java.lang.String newRevision, boolean copyFiles, Framework framework)
          Create the new ObjectObj instance on the database cloning it from this ObjectObj
static java.lang.String Dump.compareAdminObject(OBBase refObj, OBBase dbObj, boolean feature, boolean image, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Compare a reference administrative object with its DB version
 java.lang.String Assignment.compareUpdate(Assignment refAssignment, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this Assignment object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String AutoNumber.compareUpdate(AutoNumber refAutoNumber, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this AutoNumber object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String Class.compareUpdate(Class refClass, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this Class object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 void Column.compareUpdate(Column refColumn, boolean checkImage, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this Column object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String Command.compareUpdate(Command refCommand, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this Command object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String Field.compareUpdate(Field refField, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this Field object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String FileSpace.compareUpdate(FileSpace refFileSpace, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this FileSpace object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String FileType.compareUpdate(FileType refFileType, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this FileType object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String Form.compareUpdate(Form refForm, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this Form object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String Graph.compareUpdate(Graph refGraph, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this Graph object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 void Item.compareUpdate(Item refItem, boolean checkImage, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this Item object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String Lifecycle.compareUpdate(Lifecycle refLifecycle, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this Lifecycle object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String LinkType.compareUpdate(LinkType refLinkType, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this LinkType object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String LocalArea.compareUpdate(LocalArea refLocalArea, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this LocalArea object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String Menu.compareUpdate(Menu refMenu, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this Menu object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String MetricSystem.compareUpdate(MetricSystem refMetricSystem, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this MetricSystem object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String ObjectGroup.compareUpdate(ObjectGroup refObjectGroup, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this ObjectGroup object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String ObjectSpace.compareUpdate(ObjectSpace refObjectSpace, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this ObjectSpace object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String Program.compareUpdate(Program refProgram, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this Program object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String Query.compareUpdate(Query refQuery, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this Query object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String Stage.compareUpdate(Stage refStage, boolean checkImage, Framework framework)
          Return the OOQL command to update this Lifecycle-Stage object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String Step.compareUpdate(Step refStep, boolean checkImage, Framework framework)
          Return the OOQL command to update this Workflow-Step object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String Team.compareUpdate(Team refTeam, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this Team object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String Transition.compareUpdate(Transition refTransition, boolean checkImage, Framework framework)
          Return the OOQL command to update this Step-Transition object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String UnitMeasure.compareUpdate(UnitMeasure refUnitMeasure, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this UnitMeasure object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String User.compareUpdate(User refUser, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this User object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String Validation.compareUpdate(Validation refValidation, boolean checkImage, Framework framework)
          Return the OOQL command to update this Stage-Validation object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String View.compareUpdate(View refView, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this View object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String WebService.compareUpdate(WebService refWebService, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this WebService object and let it become equals to another reference object.
 java.lang.String Workflow.compareUpdate(Workflow refWorkflow, boolean checkImage, boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Return/apply the OOQL command to update this Workflow object and let it become equals to another reference object.
static void WebService.compile(AdminQuery adminQuery, Framework framework, boolean force)
          Compile one or more WebServices
static void Program.compile(AdminQuery adminQuery, Framework framework, boolean force)
          Compile one or more Programs
 void WebService.compile(Framework framework, boolean force)
          Compile the WebService
 void Program.compile(Framework framework, boolean force)
          Compile the Program
 void Process.completeStep(ProcessStep step, java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> choices, Framework framework)
          Complete a running step by current framework user
 void Form.compose(ObjectBase objlink, Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Compose the Form for the current User and for a specific Object or Link instance
 void View.compose(ObjectObj rootObject, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> objects, Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Compose the View for the current User and for a set of objects extracted by navigation of a root element
 void View.compose(java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> objects, Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Compose the View for the current User and for a set of objects extracted with a query
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Form.computeProgramRanges(java.lang.String fieldName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Execute the range Program to compute the ranges for a specific field
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Field.computeProgramRanges(java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Execute the range Program to compute the Field ranges
 java.lang.String Field.convertValueFromUserUnitMeasure(java.lang.String value, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Return the UnitMeasure for this Field on the basis of current Framework user
 java.lang.String Field.convertValueToUserUnitMeasure(java.lang.String value, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Return the UnitMeasure for this Field on the basis of current Framework user
 void Query.count(Framework framework)
          Execute the Query and count the result instance number
 void View.create(boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new View object on the database
 void Query.create(boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new Query object on the database
 void Form.create(boolean overwrite, boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new Form object on the database
 void Workflow.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new Workflow object on the database
 void WebService.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new WebService object on the database
 void User.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new User object on the database
 void UnitMeasure.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new UnitMeasure object on the database
 void Team.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new Team object on the database
 void Program.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new Program object on the database
 void ObjectSpace.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new ObjectSpace object on the database
 void ObjectGroup.create(boolean overwrite, Framework framework)
          Create a new ObjectGroup object on the database
 void MetricSystem.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new MetricSystem object on the database
 void Menu.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new Menu object on the database
 void LocalArea.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new LocalArea object on the database
 void LinkType.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new LinkType object on the database
 void Link.create(boolean bidirectional, Framework framework)
          Create the new Link on the database (connect two ObjectObj instances)
 void Lifecycle.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new Lifecycle object on the database
 void Graph.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new Graph object on the database
 void FileType.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new FileType object on the database
 void FileSpace.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new FileSpace object on the database
 void Field.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new Field object on the database
 void Feature.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new Feature object on the database
 void Command.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new Command object on the database
 void Class.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new Class object on the database
 void AutoNumber.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new AutoNumber object on the database
 void Assignment.create(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Create a new Assignment object on the database
 void Workflow.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new Workflow object on the database
 void WebService.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new WebService object on the database
 void View.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new View object on the database
 void User.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new User object on the database
 void UnitMeasure.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new UnitMeasure object on the database
 void Team.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new Team object on the database
 void Query.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new Query object on the database
 void Program.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new Program object on the database
 void ObjectSpace.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new ObjectSpace object on the database
 void ObjectObj.create(Framework framework)
          Create the new ObjectObj instance on the database
 void ObjectGroup.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new ObjectGroup object on the database
 void MetricSystem.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new MetricSystem object on the database
 void Menu.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new Menu object on the database
 void Mail.create(Framework framework)
          Send the Mail to relative internal / external recipients
 void LocalArea.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new LocalArea object on the database
 void LinkType.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new LinkType object on the database
 void Link.create(Framework framework)
          Create the new Link on the database (connect two ObjectObj instances)
 void Lifecycle.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new Lifecycle object on the database
 void Graph.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new Graph object on the database
 void Form.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new Form object on the database
 void FileType.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new FileType object on the database
 void FileSpace.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new FileSpace object on the database
 void Field.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new Field object on the database
 void Feature.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new Feature object on the database
 void Command.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new Command object on the database
 void Class.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new Class object on the database
 void AutoNumber.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new AutoNumber object on the database
 void Assignment.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new Assignment object on the database
abstract  void AdminBase.create(Framework framework)
          Create a new object on the database
 java.lang.String Form.createTextForm(ObjectBase objlink, java.lang.String language, Framework framework)
          Generates a text (generally for mail body) according to the Form definition and the object/link values
 void LocalArea.defrag(Framework framework)
          Remove all unlinked files from LocalArea
 void FileSpace.defrag(Framework framework)
          Remove from this Filespace files not linked with database metadata
 void ObjectSpace.defrag(int commit, Framework framework)
 void ObjectObj.delegate(ObjectDelegation delegation, Framework framework)
          Enable one or more delegate Users to perform ObjectObj manipulation in place of the delegator User(s).
 void Workflow.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the Workflow object from the database.
 void WebService.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the WebService object from the database.
 void View.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the View object from the database.
 void User.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the User object from the database.
 void UnitMeasure.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the UnitMeasure object from the database
 void Team.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the Team object from the database.
 void Query.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the Query object from the database.
 void Program.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the Program object from the database.
 void ObjectSpace.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the ObjectSpace object from the database
 void ObjectObj.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the ObjectObj from the database.
 void ObjectGroup.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the ObjectGroup object from the database
 void MetricSystem.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the MetricSystem object from the database
 void Menu.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the Menu object from the database.
 void Mail.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the Mail object from the database.
 void LocalArea.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the LocalArea object from the database
 void LinkType.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the LinkType object from the database
 void Link.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the Link from the database.
 void Lifecycle.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the Lifecycle object from the database.
 void Graph.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the Graph object from the database
 void Form.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the Form object from the database
 void FileType.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the FileType object from the database
 void FileSpace.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the FileSpace object from the database
 void Field.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the Field object from the database
 void Feature.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the Feature object from the database
 void Command.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the Command object from the database
 void Class.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the Class object from the database
 void AutoNumber.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the AutoNumber object from the database
 void Assignment.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the Assignment object from the database
abstract  void AdminBase.destroy(Framework framework)
          Remove the object from the database.
 void User.destroy(java.lang.String newHolder, Framework framework)
          Remove the User object from the database and reassign objects/link to the new holder
 org.jdom.Element ProcessStep.destToXML(java.lang.String sToCc, Framework framework)
          Return the Notification object addresses as XML element tree
 void Dump.docompare(java.io.DataInputStream inStream, java.io.DataOutputStream logStream, Framework framework)
          Compare data (administrative or application objects [ObjectObj]) from a file; produce a log report
 void Dump.doexpand(java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Expand administrative objects: report all administrative links
 void Dump.doexport(java.lang.String outFile, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Export data (administrative or application objects [ObjectObj]) to a file
 void Dump.doimport(java.lang.String inFile, java.io.DataInputStream inStream, Framework framework)
          Import data (administrative or application objects [ObjectObj]) from a file
 byte[] Graph.draw(GraphValues values, Framework framework)
          Generates a chart image based on the Graph style parameters and input data values
static byte[] Graph.drawGraph(java.lang.String graphName, java.lang.String XMLvalues, Framework framework)
          Generates a chart image based on the Graph style parameters and input data values
 void ObjectSpace.empty(Framework framework)
          Remove (destroy) all ObjectObj instances from ObjectSpace
 void LocalArea.empty(Framework framework)
          Remove all files from LocalArea
 void FileSpace.empty(Framework framework)
          Remove all files from FileSpace
 void Query.execute(java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Execute the Query
 void AdminQuery.execute(java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Execute a query for administrative objects; uses the previously settled Selector
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> OOQLCommand.execute(Framework framework)
          Execute the OOQL command for the input user Framework
 void AdminQuery.execute(Framework framework)
          Execute a query for administrative objects; uses the previously settled Selector
the result is stored into the target object instance
 void Trigger.execute(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> args)
          Execute the Trigger
 void Trigger.execute(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> args, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Execute the Trigger
 Framework Command.execute(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> parameters, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs)
          Execute the Command
 Framework Program.execute(Framework framework, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> args)
          Execute the Program
 Framework Command.execute(Framework framework, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs)
          Execute the Command
 void Query.execute(Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Execute the Query and extract the result ObjectObj instance properties
 void AdminQuery.execute(Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Execute a query for administrative objects
 void ObjectObj.execute(java.lang.String methodName, java.util.Vector<?> args, Framework framework)
          Execute a ObjectObj method.
 java.lang.String OOQLCommand.execute1(Framework framework)
          Execute a single OOQL command.
 void ObjectObj.filedelete(FileOperator fileOperator, Framework framework)
          Remove one or more files from ObjectObj
 void ObjectObj.fileget(FileOperator fileOperator, Framework framework)
          Extract one or more files from the ObjectObj
 void ObjectObj.filelock(FileOperator fileOperator, Framework framework)
          Lock one or more files attached to the ObjectObj
 void ObjectObj.fileput(FileOperator fileOperator, Framework framework)
          Attach one or more files to the ObjectObj
 void ObjectObj.filerename(FileOperator fileOperator, Framework framework)
          Rename / Move one or more files
 void ObjectObj.fileunlock(FileOperator fileOperator, Framework framework)
          UnLock one or more files attached to the ObjectObj
 void WebService.generateClient(java.lang.String wsdl, boolean overwrite, Framework framework)
          Generate client classes from wsdl
static java.lang.String OberonException.generateOberonMessage(java.lang.Exception ex, Framework framework)
          Get the message from an Exception
 void Dictionary.get(Framework framework)
          Read a keyword / sub-keyword translation from the database
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> View.getAccessColumnNames(int accessType, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Get all View Column names for which the framework User has access
 java.util.Vector<Column> View.getAccessColumns(int accessType, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Get all View Column for which the framework User has access
 java.lang.String View.getAccessColumnsAsString(int accessType, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework, java.lang.String delim)
          Get all View Column names for which the framework User has access as a single string
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Form.getAccessItemNames(int accessType, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Get all Form Item names for which the framework User has access
 java.util.Vector<Item> Form.getAccessItems(int accessType, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Get all Form Item for which the framework User has access
 java.lang.String Form.getAccessItemsAsString(int accessType, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework, java.lang.String delim)
          Get all Form Item names for which the framework User has access as a single string
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> ObjectObj.getActionNames(java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Get the available action MenuItems for this object, according to framework user rights
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Menu.getActionNames(java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Get the available MenuItems according to framework user rights
 java.util.Vector<MenuItem> ObjectObj.getActions(java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Get the available action MenuItems for this object, according to framework user rights
 java.util.Vector<MenuItem> Menu.getActions(java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Get the available MenuItems according to framework user rights
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Selector.getAdminProperties(java.util.Vector<?> objectNames, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Apply this selector to extract properties for multiple objects
 Stage ObjectStage.getAdminStage(Framework framework)
          Return the administrative stage of ObjectObj's lifecycle
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Field.getAllClassIds(Framework framework)
          Get the IDs of all Classes where the Field is used [INTERNAL USAGE]
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Field.getAllLinkTypeIds(Framework framework)
          Get the IDs of all LinkTypes where the Field is used [INTERNAL USAGE]
 java.util.Vector<Validation> ObjectStage.getAllStageValidations(Framework framework)
          Get the list of Validations for the Object's current Stage.
static java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Menu.getApplications(Framework framework)
          Get all application Menus
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> User.getAssignments(Framework framework)
          Return the list of Assignment associated directly or indirectly to this User.
 java.lang.String User.getAssignmentsAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Return the list of Assignment associated directly or indirectly to this User.
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Class.getAutoNumbers(Framework framework)
          Return the list of AutoNumbers defined for this Class
 java.lang.String Class.getAutoNumbersAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Return the list of AutoNumber defined for this Class, as a String
 Class ObjectObj.getClass(Framework framework)
          Get the ObjectObj's Class
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Field.getClasses(Framework framework)
          Return the list of Classes where this Field is used
 java.lang.String Field.getClassesAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Return the list of Classes where this Field is used, as a String
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Menu.getCommands(Framework framework)
          Get all sub-Commands
 java.lang.String Menu.getCommandsAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Get all sub-Command names as string
 java.lang.String AdminComponent.getCommonProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a (basic) property for the administrative object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String AdminBase.getCommonProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a (basic) property for the administrative object by its OOQL identifier
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> AdminComponent.getCommonTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> AdminBase.getCommonTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 int ObjectBase.getCurrentIteration(Framework framework)
          Get the number of current iteration
 ObjectDelegation ObjectObj.getDelegation(int index, Framework framework)
          Get a ObjectObj's delegation.
 int ObjectObj.getDelegationCount(Framework framework)
          Get the number of delegations active for this ObjectObj
 java.util.Vector<ObjectDelegation> ObjectObj.getDelegations(Framework framework)
          Get the ObjectObj's delegations.
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> ProcessStep.getExecuteAccess(Framework framework)
          Return the list of execute access rights for this Step.
 Feature AdminBase.getFeature(java.lang.String featureName, Framework framework)
          Return a specific Feature associated to the administrative object
 java.util.Vector<Feature> AdminBase.getFeatures(Framework framework)
          Return the Features associated to the administrative object
 java.lang.String AdminBase.getFeaturesAsString(java.lang.String delim, java.lang.String indent, Framework framework)
          Return the Features associated to the administrative object as single String
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> UnitMeasure.getFields(Framework framework)
          Return a list of Fields where this UnitMeasure is used
 java.lang.String UnitMeasure.getFieldsAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Return a list of Fields where this UnitMeasure is used, as String
 java.lang.String ObjectObj.getFieldValue(java.lang.String fieldName, Framework framework)
          Get a ObjectObj's Field value directly from DB
abstract  java.lang.String ObjectBase.getFieldValue(java.lang.String fieldName, Framework framework)
          Get a ObjectObj/Link Field value directly from DB
 java.lang.String Link.getFieldValue(java.lang.String fieldName, Framework framework)
          Get a Link's Field value directly from DB
 ObjectFile ObjectObj.getFile(java.lang.String fileTypeName, java.lang.String fileName, Framework framework)
          Get a ObjectObj's attached file.
 byte[] ObjectFile.getFileContent(Framework framework)
          Get the file content
 java.util.Vector<ObjectFile> ObjectObj.getFiles(Framework framework)
          Get the ObjectObj's attached files.
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> LocalArea.getFileSpaces(Framework framework)
          Return the list of FileSpaces where this Field is used
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> FileSpace.getFileSpaces(Framework framework)
 java.lang.String LocalArea.getFileSpacesAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Return the list of FileSpaces where this Field is used, as a String
 java.lang.String FileSpace.getFileSpacesAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
 java.util.Vector<ObjectFile> ObjectObj.getFileTypeFile(java.lang.String fileTypeName, Framework framework)
          Get the ObjectObj's attached files for a specific FileType.
 void ObjectValidation.getHistory(Framework framework)
          [Inherited but not used]
 void ObjectStage.getHistory(Framework framework)
          [Inherited but not used]
 void ObjectFile.getHistory(Framework framework)
          [Inherited but not used]
 void ObjectDelegation.getHistory(Framework framework)
          [Inherited but not used]
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String[]> ObjectBase.getHistory(int event, java.lang.String userName, FieldRange dateRange, Framework framework)
          Get items from the history table
 java.lang.String ObjectBase.getHistory(Selector.HistorySelector hselector, Framework framework)
          Get items from the history table
 java.lang.String ObjectBase.getIteration(int iterNumber, Framework framework)
          Get the saved values for a specific iteration
static java.lang.String Dictionary.getKey(java.lang.String key, Framework framework)
          Get a keyword translation for the default framework language
static java.lang.String Dictionary.getKey(java.lang.String section, java.lang.String key, Framework framework)
          Get a keyword translation for the default framework language from the specified section
static java.lang.String Dictionary.getKey(java.lang.String language, java.lang.String section, java.lang.String key, Framework framework)
          Get a keyword translation for the specified language and section
 Lifecycle ObjectObj.getLifecycle(Framework framework)
          Get the ObjectObj's Lifecycle
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> FileType.getLifecycles(Framework framework)
          Return the list of Lifecycles that allow this FileType
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Class.getLifecycles(Framework framework)
          Return the list of Lifecycles allowed for this Class
 java.lang.String FileType.getLifecyclesAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Return the list of Lifecycles that allow this FileType, as a String
 java.lang.String Class.getLifecyclesAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Return the list of Lifecycles allowed for this Class, as a String
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> ObjectObj.getLinks(int linkVersus, java.lang.String linkType, Framework framework)
          Get the ObjectObj's links
 LinkType Link.getLinkType(Framework framework)
          Get the Link's LinkType LinkType
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Field.getLinkTypes(Framework framework)
          Return the list of LinkTypes where this Field is used
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Class.getLinkTypes(Framework framework)
          Return the list of LinkTypes allowed for this Class
 java.lang.String Field.getLinkTypesAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Return the list of LinkTypes where this Field is used, as a String
 java.lang.String Class.getLinkTypesAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Return the list of LinkTypes allowed for this Class, as a String
 java.lang.String OberonException.getLocalizedMessage(Framework framework)
          Get the localized exception message Translate the message to the current user framework language
 java.lang.String OberonException.getLocalizedMessage(java.lang.String errorSection, Framework framework)
          Get the localized exception message Translate the message to the current user framework language and search for translation inside the specified section
 java.lang.String OberonException.getLocalizedMessage(java.lang.String language, java.lang.String errorSection, Framework framework)
          Get the localized exception message Translate the message to the given language and search for translation inside the specified section
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Command.getMenus(Framework framework)
          Return a list of Menus where this Command is used
 java.lang.String Command.getMenusAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Return a list of Menus where this Command is used, as String
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> UnitMeasure.getMetricSystems(Framework framework)
          Return a list of MetricSystems where this UnitMeasure is used
 java.lang.String UnitMeasure.getMetricSystemsAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Return a list of MetricSystems where this UnitMeasure is used, as String
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> ProcessStep.getObjects(Framework framework)
          Get the associated ObjectObjs.
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> ObjectGroup.getObjects(Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectObj instances grouped by this ObjectGroup
 ObjectStage ObjectObj.getObjectStage(Framework framework)
          Get the current ObjectObj's stage instance.
 ObjectStage ObjectObj.getObjectStage(java.lang.String stageName, Framework framework)
          Get an ObjectObj's stage instance.
 java.util.Vector<ObjectStage> ObjectObj.getObjectStages(Framework framework)
          Get the ObjectObj's stage instances.
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> ObjectObj.getOtherProcesses(Framework framework)
          Get a Running processes where this object is involved.
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Class.getOwnSubClasses(Framework framework)
          Return the list of sub-Classes directly derived from this Class
 java.lang.String Class.getOwnSubClassesAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Return the list of sub-Classes directly derived from this Class, as a String
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Program.getOwnSubPrograms(Framework framework)
          Return the list of sub-Programs directly derived from this Program
 java.lang.String Program.getOwnSubProgramsAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Return the list of sub-Programs directly derived from this Program, as a String
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> AdminBase.getPlainFeatures(Framework framework)
          Return the Features associated to the administrative object
 Process ProcessStep.getProcess(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Get the related Process
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> ObjectObj.getProcesses(Framework framework)
          Get a Running processes for this object.
 java.lang.String Workflow.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Workflow object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String WebService.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this WebService object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String View.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this View object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Validation.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Lifecycle-Stage-Validation object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String User.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this User object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String UnitMeasure.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this UnitMeasure object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Transition.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Workflow-Step-Transition object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Team.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Team object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Step.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Workflow-Step object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Stage.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Lifecycle-Stage object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Query.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Query object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Program.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Program object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String ProcessStep.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Process-Step object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Process.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Process object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String ObjectValidation.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this ObjectValidation by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String ObjectStage.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this ObjectStage by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String ObjectSpace.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this ObjectSpace object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String ObjectObj.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this ObjectObj object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String ObjectGroup.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this ObjectGroup object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String ObjectFile.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this ObjectFile by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String ObjectDelegation.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this ObjectDelegation by its OOQL identifier
abstract  java.lang.String OBBase.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for the object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String MetricSystem.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this MetricSystem object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String MenuItem.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
 java.lang.String Menu.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Menu object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Mail.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Mail object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String LocalArea.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this LocalArea object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String LinkType.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this LinkType object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Link.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Link object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Lifecycle.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Lifecycle object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Item.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Item item by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Graph.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Graph object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Form.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Form object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String FileType.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this FileType object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String FileSpace.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this FileSpace object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String FieldRange.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String sToken, Framework framework)
          [inherited but NOT USED]
 java.lang.String Field.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Field object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Feature.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Feature object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Dump.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          [inherited but NOT USED]
 java.lang.String Command.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Command object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Column.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Column item by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Class.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Class object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String AutoNumber.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this AutoNumber object by its OOQL identifier
 java.lang.String Assignment.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Get a property for this Assignment object by its OOQL identifier
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> ProcessStep.getRecipients(Framework framework)
          Return the recipient list
 java.lang.String ProcessStep.getRecipientToString(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String token, Framework framework)
          Return the recipient list as a string
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> ObjectObj.getRevisions(int revType, Framework framework)
          Get the ObjectObj's revisions
 Stage ObjectObj.getStage(Framework framework)
          Get the current ObjectObj's Lifecycle-Stage
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> ObjectObj.getStageNames(Framework framework)
          Get the list of Lifecycle-Stage names for this ObjectObj
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Class.getSubClasses(Framework framework)
          Return the full list of sub-Classes derived from this Class
 java.lang.String Class.getSubClassesAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Return the full list of sub-Classes derived from this Class, as a String
static java.lang.String Dictionary.getSubKey(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String subKey, Framework framework)
          Get a sub-keyword translations for the default framework language
static java.lang.String Dictionary.getSubKey(java.lang.String section, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String subKey, Framework framework)
          Get a sub-keyword translations for the default framework language from the specified section
static java.lang.String Dictionary.getSubKey(java.lang.String language, java.lang.String section, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String subKey, Framework framework)
          Get a sub-keyword translations for the specified language and section
static java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> Dictionary.getSubKeys(java.lang.String key, Framework framework)
          Get the sub-keyword translations for the default framework language - search to all sections
static java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> Dictionary.getSubKeys(java.lang.String section, java.lang.String key, Framework framework)
          Get the sub-keyword translations for the default framework language from the specified section
static java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> Dictionary.getSubKeys(java.lang.String language, java.lang.String section, java.lang.String key, Framework framework)
          Get the sub-keyword translations for the specified language and section
static java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> Dictionary.getSubKeys(java.lang.String language, java.lang.String section, java.lang.String key, java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> subKeys, Framework framework)
          Get the sub-keyword translations for the specified language and section
static java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> Dictionary.getSubKeys(java.lang.String section, java.lang.String key, java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> subKeys, Framework framework)
          Get the sub-keyword translations for the default framework language from the specified section
static java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> Dictionary.getSubKeys(java.lang.String key, java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> subKeys, Framework framework)
          Get the sub-keyword translations for the default framework language - search to all sections
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Menu.getSubMenus(Framework framework)
          Get all sub Menus
 java.lang.String Menu.getSubMenusAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Get all sub-Menu names as string
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Program.getSubPrograms(Framework framework)
          Return the full list of sub-Programs derived from this Program
 java.lang.String Program.getSubProgramsAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Return the full list of sub-Programs derived from this Program, as a String
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Team.getSubTeams(Framework framework)
          Get all sub-Teams for this Team
 java.lang.String Team.getSubTeamsAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Get all sub-Teams for this Team as a String
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Menu.getSuperMenus(Framework framework)
          Get all parent Menus
 java.lang.String Menu.getSuperMenusAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Get all parent Menus as string
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Team.getSuperTeams(Framework framework)
          Get the parent Teams for this Team.
 java.util.Vector<?> Workflow.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> WebService.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> View.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> Validation.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> User.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> UnitMeasure.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> Transition.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> Team.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> Step.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> Stage.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> Query.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> Program.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> ProcessStep.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> Process.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> ObjectValidation.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          [Inherited but not used]
 java.util.Vector<?> ObjectStage.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of target names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> ObjectSpace.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> ObjectObj.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of target names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> ObjectGroup.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> ObjectFile.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          [Inherited but not used]
 java.util.Vector<?> ObjectDelegation.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
abstract  java.util.Vector<?> OBBase.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> MetricSystem.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> MenuItem.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
 java.util.Vector<?> Menu.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> Mail.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> LocalArea.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> LinkType.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> Link.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of target names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> Lifecycle.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> Item.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> Graph.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> Form.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> FileType.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> FileSpace.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> FieldRange.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          [inherited but NOT USED]
 java.util.Vector<?> Field.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> Feature.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          [inherited but NOT USED]
 java.util.Vector<?> Dump.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          [inherited but NOT USED]
 java.util.Vector<?> Command.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> Column.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> Class.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> AutoNumber.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<?> Assignment.getTargetNames(java.lang.String composedName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return a Vector of administrative object names extracted by using an OOQL selector
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> User.getTeams(Framework framework)
          Return the list of Teams to which the User directly or indirectly belong
 java.lang.String User.getTeamsAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Return the list of Teams to which the User directly or indirectly belong as String
 int ObjectSpace.getTotalObjects(Framework framework)
          Get the number of ObjectObj instances defined into this ObjectSpace
static java.lang.String Form.getTranslatedValue(FormUserItem item, java.lang.String section, java.lang.String value, Framework framework)
static java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Dictionary.getTranslations(java.lang.String section, java.lang.String key, Framework framework)
          Get the sub-keyword translations for the specified section
static java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Dictionary.getTranslations(java.lang.String language, java.lang.String section, java.lang.String key, Framework framework)
          Get the sub-keyword translations for the specified language and section
 java.lang.String ProcessStep.getUserChoices(java.lang.String userName, Framework framework)
          Return the choice made by a given user
 java.util.Vector<ViewUserColumn> View.getUserColumns(ObjectObj rootObject, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Get all ViewUserColumn for which the framework User has the visibility for navigation of a root object
 java.util.Vector<ViewUserColumn> View.getUserColumns(java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Get all ViewUserColumn for which the framework User has the visibility
 java.util.Vector<ViewUserColumn> View.getUserColumnsWithData(ObjectObj rootObject, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> objects, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Get data related to View-Columns for navigation
 java.util.Vector<ViewUserColumn> View.getUserColumnsWithData(java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> objects, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Get data related to View-Columns for query result
 java.util.Vector<FormUserItem> Form.getUserFieldItems(ObjectBase objlink, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Get all FormUserItem of Field type for which the framework User has the visibility
 java.util.Vector<FormUserItem> Form.getUserItems(ObjectBase objlink, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Get all FormUserItem for which the framework User has the visibility
 java.util.Vector<FormUserItem> Form.getUserItemsWithData(ObjectBase objlink, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Get data related to Form-Item fields
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Team.getUsers(Framework framework)
          Return the list of Users belonging to this Team or to its sub-Teams
 java.lang.String Team.getUsersAsString(java.lang.String delim, Framework framework)
          Return the list of Users, belonging to this Team or to its sub-Teams, as a String
 UnitMeasure Field.getUserUnitMeasure(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Return the UnitMeasure for this Field on the basic of current Framework user
 java.lang.String Field.getUserUnitMeasureName(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Return the UnitMeasure name for this Field on the basis of current Framework user
 java.lang.String Field.getUserUnitMeasureSymbol(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Return the UnitMeasure symbol for this Field on the basis of current Framework user
static java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> View.getUserViews(Framework framework)
          Get the framework User views.
 ObjectValidation ObjectStage.getValidation(java.lang.String validationName, Framework framework)
          Get a ObjectStage's Validation.
 java.util.Vector<ObjectValidation> ObjectStage.getValidations(Framework framework)
          Get the ObjectStage's Validations
 org.jdom.Element ObjectObj.getXMLDelegations(Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectObj's delegations as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ProcessStep.getXMLExecuteList(Framework framework)
          Return the Execute Access List as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element AdminBase.getXMLFeatureList(Framework framework)
          Return the Features as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ObjectObj.getXMLFields(Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectObj's Field values as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Link.getXMLFields(Framework framework)
          Return the Link Field values as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ObjectObj.getXMLFiles(Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectObj's files as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ObjectObj.getXMLFiles(java.lang.String getFilePath, Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectObj's files as XML element tree and download the content to the specified path
 org.jdom.Element Link.getXMLFromObject(Framework framework)
          Return the Link from object as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ObjectBase.getXMLHistory(Selector.HistorySelector hselector, Framework framework)
          Get items from the history table in XML form
 org.jdom.Element ObjectGroup.getXMLObjectList(Framework framework)
          Return the Object List as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ObjectObj.getXMLObjectStages(Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectObj's stages as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Link.getXMLToObject(Framework framework)
          Return the Link to object as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ObjectStage.getXMLValidations(Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectStage's validations as XML element tree
 boolean Workflow.hasAccess(Framework framework)
          Check if the framework user has access to execute this Workflow
 boolean Stage.hasAccess(int accessType, Framework framework)
          Check if the current framework User has access for a specific operation (ignore delegations and holder access)
 boolean LinkType.hasAccess(int accessType, Framework framework)
          Check if the current framework User has access for a specific operation (ignore holder access)
 boolean Stage.hasAccess(int accessType, Framework framework, java.lang.String holderName)
 boolean Stage.hasAccess(int accessType, Framework framework, java.lang.String holderName, java.lang.String objectID)
 boolean LinkType.hasAccess(int accessType, Link link, Framework framework)
          Check if the current framework User has access for a specific operation on a given Link
 boolean LinkType.hasAccess(int accessType, Link link, java.lang.String userName, Framework framework)
          Check if a User has access for a specific operation on a given Link.
 boolean Stage.hasAccess(int accessType, ObjectObj objectobj, Framework framework)
          Check if the current framework User has access for a specific operation on a given ObjectObj
 boolean Stage.hasAccess(int accessType, ObjectObj objectobj, java.lang.String userName, Framework framework)
          Check if a User has access for a specific operation on a given ObjectObj.
 boolean Stage.hasAccess(int accessType, java.lang.String userName, Framework framework)
          Check if a User has access for a specific operation (ignore delegations and holder access).
 boolean LinkType.hasAccess(int accessType, java.lang.String userName, Framework framework)
          Check if a User has access for a specific operation (ignore holder access).
 boolean Stage.hasAccess(int accessType, java.lang.String userName, Framework framework, java.lang.String holderName)
 boolean Stage.hasAccess(int accessType, java.lang.String userName, Framework framework, java.lang.String holderName, java.lang.String objectID)
 boolean Item.hasAccess(int accessType, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Check if the framework user has access to this Item
 boolean Column.hasAccess(int accessType, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Check if the framework user has access to this Column
 boolean Item.hasAccess(int accessType, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Check if the framework user has access to this Item
 boolean Column.hasAccess(int accessType, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Check if the framework user has access to this Column
 boolean Command.hasAccess(java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Check if the framework user has access to execute this Command
 boolean ProcessStep.hasExecuteAccess(User user, Framework framework)
          Check if a User has access to execute this Process Step.
 boolean Step.hasExecuteAccess(User user, java.lang.String holderName, Framework framework)
          Check if a User has access to execute this Step.
 boolean Validation.hasIgnoreAccess(Framework framework)
          Check if the current framework User has access to ignore this Validation (ignore delegations)
 boolean Validation.hasIgnoreAccess(java.lang.String objectID, Framework framework)
          Check if the current framework User has access to ignore this Validation for a specific ObjectObj
 boolean Validation.hasIgnoreAccess(java.lang.String objectID, java.lang.String userName, Framework framework)
          Check if a User has access to ignore this Validation for a specific ObjectObj
 boolean Validation.hasRefuseAccess(Framework framework)
          Check if the current framework User has access to refuse this Validation (ignore delegations)
 boolean Validation.hasRefuseAccess(java.lang.String objectID, Framework framework)
          Check if the current framework User has access to refuse this Validation for a specific ObjectObj
 boolean Validation.hasRefuseAccess(java.lang.String objectID, java.lang.String userName, Framework framework)
          Check if a User has access to refuse this Validation for a specific ObjectObj
 boolean Validation.hasValidateAccess(Framework framework)
          Check if the current framework User has access to validate this Validation (ignore delegations)
 boolean Validation.hasValidateAccess(java.lang.String objectID, Framework framework)
          Check if the current framework User has access to validate this Validation for a specific ObjectObj
 boolean Validation.hasValidateAccess(java.lang.String objectID, java.lang.String userName, Framework framework)
          Check if a User has access to validate this Validation for a specific ObjectObj
 void ObjectObj.ignore(java.lang.String validationName, java.lang.String note, Framework framework)
          Ignore a Validation defined at current Lifecycle-Stage.
 void Dictionary.importKeys(java.io.DataInputStream inStream, Framework framework)
          Import translations from a file to the database
 void AutoNumber.increment(int increment, Framework framework)
          Increment the current AutoNumber value
 java.lang.Object Program.invoke(java.lang.String methodName, Framework framework, java.util.Vector<?> args)
          Invoke a method defined into the Program java class
 boolean ObjectObj.isFilePresent(java.lang.String fileTypeName, Framework framework)
          Check if the ObjectObj has attached files for a specific FileType.
 void ObjectObj.link(boolean fullLoad, Framework framework)
          Open the ObjectObj and read its properties from the database
 void Link.link(boolean fullLoad, Framework framework)
          Open the Link and read its properties from the database
 void ObjectObj.link(Framework framework)
          Open the ObjectObj and read its properties from the database
 void Link.link(Framework framework)
          Open the Link and read all properties from the database
 void Workflow.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the Workflow object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void WebService.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the WebService object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void View.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the View object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void User.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the User object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void UnitMeasure.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the UnitMeasure object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void Team.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the Team object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void Query.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the Query object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void Program.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the Program object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void Process.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the Process object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void ObjectSpace.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the ObjectSpace object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void ObjectGroup.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the ObjectGroup object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void MetricSystem.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void Menu.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the Menu object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void Mail.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the Mail object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void LocalArea.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the LocalArea object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void LinkType.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void Lifecycle.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the Lifecycle object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void Graph.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the Graph object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void Form.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the Form object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void FileType.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the FileType object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void FileSpace.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the FileSpace object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void Field.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the Field object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void Feature.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the Feature object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void Command.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the Command object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void Class.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the Class object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void AutoNumber.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the AutoNumber object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void Assignment.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the Assignment object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
abstract  void AdminBase.link(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the object: connect the memory instance with the database instance
 void Dictionary.list(Framework framework)
          List the dictionary keywords/sub-keywords using the settled filters (language,section..)
static void Process.list(Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          List the active Processes
static void Mail.list(Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          List the Mail objects from the user MailBox
static java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Dictionary.listSubKeys(java.lang.String key, Framework framework)
          List the sub-keyword names for a given keyword
static java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> Dictionary.listSubKeys(java.lang.String section, java.lang.String key, Framework framework)
          List the sub-keyword names for a given keyword and section
 void ObjectObj.lock(Framework framework)
          Lock the ObjectObj.
 void ObjectObj.move(java.lang.String objectSpaceName, Framework framework)
          Move the ObjectObj from current ObjectSpace to another
 void ObjectObj.navigate(Navigator navigator, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Navigate throw the ObjectObj in/out Links
 void ObjectObj.navigate(Navigator navigator, Framework framework)
          Navigate throw the ObjectObj in/out Links
 Framework ProgramCode.OberonMain(java.util.Vector args, Framework framework)
          The Main method (executed as default)
static ObjectObj ObjectObj.open(java.lang.String objectID, boolean fullLoad, Framework framework)
          Open an ObjectObj and read its properties from the database
static Link Link.open(java.lang.String linkID, boolean fullLoad, Framework framework)
          Open a Link and read its properties from the database
static View View.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework)
          Open a general View and read its properties from the database
static Query Query.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework)
          Open a general Query and read its properties from the database
static ObjectObj ObjectObj.open(java.lang.String objectID, Framework framework)
          Open an ObjectObj and read all properties from the database
static Link Link.open(java.lang.String linkID, Framework framework)
          Open a Link and read all properties from the database
static Field Field.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory cache
static Workflow Workflow.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static WebService WebService.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static User User.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static UnitMeasure UnitMeasure.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static Team Team.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static Program Program.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static Process Process.open(java.lang.String id, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the process and read properties from the database
static ObjectSpace ObjectSpace.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static MetricSystem MetricSystem.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static Menu Menu.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static Mail Mail.open(java.lang.String code, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the object and read its properties from the database
static LocalArea LocalArea.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static LinkType LinkType.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static Lifecycle Lifecycle.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static Graph Graph.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static Form Form.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static FileType FileType.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static FileSpace FileSpace.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static Field Field.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory cache
static Command Command.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static Class Class.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static AutoNumber AutoNumber.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static Assignment Assignment.open(java.lang.String name, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
static View View.open(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String userName, Framework framework)
          Open a View for a given user and read its properties from the database
static Query Query.open(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String userName, Framework framework)
          Open a Query for a given user and read its properties from the database
static ObjectGroup ObjectGroup.open(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String userName, Framework framework)
          Open a ObjectGroup for a given user and read its properties from the database
static View View.open(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String userName, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open a View for a given user and read its properties from the database
static Query Query.open(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String userName, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open a Query for a given user and read its properties from the database
static ObjectGroup ObjectGroup.open(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String userName, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open a ObjectGroup for a given user and read its properties from the database
static ObjectObj ObjectObj.open(java.lang.String className, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String revision, boolean fullLoad, Framework framework)
          Open an ObjectObj and read its properties from the database
static ObjectObj ObjectObj.open(java.lang.String className, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String revision, java.lang.String objectSpaceName, boolean fullLoad, Framework framework)
          Open an ObjectObj and read its properties from the database
static Feature Feature.open(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String fromType, java.lang.String fromName, java.lang.String toType, java.lang.String toName, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Open the object and read its properties from the database or retrieve them from memory
 java.lang.String OOQLCommand.parse(Framework framework)
          Parse the OOQL command text
static java.lang.String JLClient.performOOQL(java.lang.String command, Framework framework)
          Execute a single OOQL command
static java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> JLClient.performOOQLCommands(java.lang.String commands, Framework framework)
          Execute OOQL commands
 java.lang.String Selector.prepareFields(java.lang.Object object, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters, int level)
          Apply this selector to extract object properties
 java.lang.String Selector.prepareFields(java.util.Vector<?> objectNames, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters, int level)
          Apply this selector to extract properties for multiple objects
 org.jdom.Element Selector.prepareXMLFields(org.jdom.Element eBase, java.lang.Object object, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Apply this selector to extract object properties in XML format
 org.jdom.Element Selector.prepareXMLFields(java.lang.String listName, java.util.Vector<?> objectNames, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
          Apply this selector to extract properties for multiple objects in XML format
 byte[] Graph.preview(Framework framework)
          Generates a preview image based on the Graph style parameters
 void ObjectObj.progress(Framework framework)
          Promote the ObjectObj to the next Stage defined on its Lifecycle
 void WebService.publish(Framework framework)
          Call the Publish servlet and expose the WebService to public access
 void Dictionary.put(Framework framework)
          Save a keyword / sub-keyword translation to the database
 org.jdom.Element Form.rangesToXML(java.lang.String fieldName, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return Item-field Ranges as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Field.rangesToXML(java.lang.String rangeId, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
          Return the Field-Ranges as XML element tree
 void ObjectObj.refuse(java.lang.String validationName, java.lang.String note, Framework framework)
          Refuse a Validation defined at current Lifecycle-Stage.
 void ObjectObj.regress(Framework framework)
          Regress the ObjectObj to the previous Stage defined on its Lifecycle
 void ObjectBase.removeAllHistory(Framework framework)
          Reset the history table
 void ObjectBase.removeHistory(int event, java.lang.String userName, FieldRange dateRange, Framework framework)
          Remove items from the history table
 void Dictionary.removeKeys(Framework framework)
          Delete one or more keyword / sub-keyword translations from the dictionary
static java.lang.String JLClient.replaceDictionaryKeyWords(java.lang.String inputString, boolean encode, java.lang.String language, Framework framework)
          Replace dictionary keywords with translations
static java.lang.String JLClient.replaceObjectKeyWords(java.lang.String inputString, ObjectBase objlink, boolean encode, java.lang.String language, Framework framework)
          Replace substitution keywords with ObjectObj or Link data values or dictionary translations
static java.lang.String JLClient.replaceObjectKeyWords(java.lang.String inputString, ObjectBase objlink, java.lang.String language, Framework framework)
          Replace substitution keywords with ObjectObj or Link data values.
static void Dictionary.resetCache(Framework framework)
          Clean the dictionary cache
 void Framework.resetFrom(Framework framework)
          Copy the new OBEROn session properties from another Framework instance
static void Process.restartMonitor(Framework framework)
          ReStart the process monitor Only super users can perform this operation
 void Process.resume(Framework framework)
          Resume the Process suspended steps
static void WebService.retract(AdminQuery adminQuery, Framework framework)
          Call the Retract servlet and remove one or more WebServices from public access
 void WebService.retract(Framework framework)
          Call the Retract servlet and remove the WebServices from public access
 void ObjectObj.revise(boolean copyFiles, Framework framework)
          Create the new ObjectObj instance on the database revising this ObjectObj
 void ObjectObj.revise(java.lang.String newRevision, boolean copyFiles, Framework framework)
          Create the new ObjectObj instance on the database revising this ObjectObj
 void ObjectObj.revoke(ObjectDelegation delegation, Framework framework)
          Disable one or more delegate Users to perform ObjectObj manipulation in place of the delegator User(s).
 void Dictionary.selectKeys(java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Extract dictionary translations to a file, using the settled filters (language,section..)
static java.lang.String Dictionary.selectKeys(java.lang.String language, java.lang.String section, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String subKey, java.lang.String value, boolean xml, Framework framework)
          Extract the sub-keyword translations using language,section,key and subkey patterns
 void Mail.send(Framework framework)
          Send the Mail to relative internal / external recipients
static void Dictionary.setKey(java.lang.String language, java.lang.String section, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value, Framework framework)
          Add a keyword translation for the specified language and section
 void ObjectObj.setstage(java.lang.String stageName, Framework framework)
          Force the ObjectObj to a specific Stage defined on its current Lifecycle
static void Dictionary.setSubKey(java.lang.String language, java.lang.String section, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String subKey, java.lang.String value, Framework framework)
          Add a sun-keyword translation for the specified language and section
 Selector Selector.setView(java.lang.String viewName, Framework framework)
          Set the view for object/link property extraction
static void ObjectBase.show(ObjectBase objlink, Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Show the properties for the ObjectObj or the Link
 void User.show(Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Show the User object properties
 void Process.show(Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Show the Process properties
 void ObjectObj.show(Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Show the ObjectObj's properties
abstract  void ObjectBase.show(Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Show the ObjectObj/Link's properties
 void Link.show(Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Show the Link properties
 void Feature.show(Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Show the Feature object properties
 void AdminBase.show(Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Show the admin object properties
 void Mail.show(Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework, java.lang.Boolean setRead)
          Show the Mail object properties
 void ObjectObj.show(Selector selector, Framework framework)
          Show the ObjectObj's properties
 void Link.show(Selector selector, Framework framework)
          Show the Link properties
static void Process.show(java.lang.String code, Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Show the properties for the given Process
static void Mail.show(java.lang.String code, Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework, java.lang.Boolean setRead)
          Show the properties for the given Mail
static void AdminBase.show(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name, Selector selector, java.io.DataOutputStream outStream, Framework framework)
          Show the properties for the given administrative object
 void Process.start(Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,?> args)
          Execute the Process
 void Process.start(java.lang.String holder, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,?> args)
          Execute the Process
static void Process.startMonitor(Framework framework)
          Start the process monitor Only super users can perform this operation
 void Process.stop(Framework framework)
          Stop the Process
static void Process.stopMonitor(Framework framework)
          Stop the process monitor Only super users can perform this operation
 void Process.suspend(Framework framework)
          Suspend all Process running steps
 void ObjectObj.synchronize(java.lang.String syncFrom, java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> syncTo, boolean force, boolean add, Framework framework)
          Synchronize the attached files.
 void FileSpace.synchronize(java.lang.String syncFrom, java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> syncTo, boolean force, boolean add, int commit, Framework framework)
          Synchronize the FileSpace with its LocalAreas: replicate the most updates files to/from mirror folders
 java.lang.String LocalArea.toBaseString(Framework framework)
          Return the object extended properties as a single String
 org.jdom.Element LocalArea.toBaseXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ObjectObj.toBasicXML(Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectObj basic properties (id, Class name, name, revision) as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element AdminComponent.toCommonXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the administrative object basic properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element AdminBase.toCommonXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the administrative object basic properties as XML element tree
 java.lang.String Workflow.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the Workflow object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String WebService.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the WebService object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String View.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the View object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String User.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the User object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String UnitMeasure.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the UnitMeasure object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String Team.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the Team object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String Query.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the Query object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String Program.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the Program object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String ProcessStep.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the Step object basic properties as a single String
 java.lang.String Process.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the Process object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String ObjectSpace.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectSpace object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String ObjectObj.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectObj properties as a single String
 java.lang.String ObjectGroup.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectGroup object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String MetricSystem.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the MetricSystem object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String Menu.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the Menu object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String Mail.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the Mail object properties as a single String
 java.lang.String LocalArea.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the LocalArea object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String LinkType.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the LinkType object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String Link.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the Link properties as a single String
 java.lang.String Lifecycle.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the Lifecycle object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String Graph.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the Graph object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String Form.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the Form object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String FileType.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the FileType object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String FileSpace.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the FileSpace object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String Field.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the Field object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String Feature.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the Feature object properties as a single String
 java.lang.String Command.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the Command object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String Class.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the Class object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String AutoNumber.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the AutoNumber object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String Assignment.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the Assignment object extended properties as a single String
 java.lang.String AdminBase.toString(Framework framework)
          Return the administrative object basic properties as a single String
 java.lang.String ObjectStage.toString(java.lang.String indent, Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectStage properties as a single String
 org.jdom.Element Workflow.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Workflow object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element WebService.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the WebService object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element View.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the View object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Validation.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Validation properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element User.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the User object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element UnitMeasure.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the UnitMeasure properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Transition.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Transition properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Team.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Team object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Step.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Step properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Stage.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Stage properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Query.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Query object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Program.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Program object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Process.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Process object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ObjectSpace.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectSpace object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ObjectGroup.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectGroup object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element MetricSystem.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the MetricSystem object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Menu.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Menu object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Mail.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Mail object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element LocalArea.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the LocalArea object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element LinkType.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the LinkType object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Lifecycle.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Lifecycle object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Item.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Item properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Graph.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Graph object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Form.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Form object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element FileType.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the FileType object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element FileSpace.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the FileSpace object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element FieldRange.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the range as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Field.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Field object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Feature.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Feature object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Dump.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          [Inherited but not used]
 org.jdom.Element Command.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Command object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Column.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Column properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Class.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Class object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element AutoNumber.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the AutoNumber object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Assignment.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the Assignment object properties as XML element tree
abstract  org.jdom.Element AdminBase.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ObjectObj.toXML(boolean getImage, boolean getHistory, java.lang.String getFilePath, boolean getValidations, Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectObj properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Link.toXML(boolean getHistory, Framework framework)
          Return the Link properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Workflow.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Workflow object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element WebService.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the WebService object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element View.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the View object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Validation.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Validation properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element User.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the User object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element UnitMeasure.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the UnitMeasure properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Transition.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Transition properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Team.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Team object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Step.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Step properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Stage.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Stage properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Query.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Query object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Program.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Program object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ProcessStep.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Step object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Process.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Process object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ObjectValidation.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectValidation properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ObjectStage.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectStage properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ObjectSpace.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectSpace object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ObjectObj.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectObj simple properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ObjectGroup.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectGroup object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ObjectFile.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectFile properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ObjectDelegation.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectDelegation properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element MetricSystem.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the MetricSystem object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Menu.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Menu object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Mail.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Mail object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element LocalArea.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the LocalArea object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element LinkType.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the LinkType object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Link.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Link properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Lifecycle.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Lifecycle object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Item.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Item properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Graph.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Graph object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Form.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Form object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element FileType.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the FileType object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element FileSpace.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the FileSpace object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element FieldRange.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the range as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Field.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Field object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Feature.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Feature object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Dump.toXML(Framework framework)
          [Inherited but not used]
 org.jdom.Element Command.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Command object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Column.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Column properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Class.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Class object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element AutoNumber.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the AutoNumber object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element Assignment.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the Assignment object properties as XML element tree
abstract  org.jdom.Element AdminBase.toXML(Framework framework)
          Return the object properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element AdminComponent.toXML(java.lang.String adminType, boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the administrative object basic properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element AdminBase.toXML(java.lang.String adminType, boolean getImage, boolean fullDump, Framework framework)
          Return the administrative object basic properties as XML element tree
 org.jdom.Element ObjectFile.toXML(java.lang.String getContentPath, Framework framework)
          Return the ObjectFile properties as XML element tree
 void ObjectObj.undo(Framework framework)
          Undo the last changes on field values
 void Link.undo(Framework framework)
          Undo the last changes on field values
 void ObjectObj.undo(int iterNum, Framework framework)
          Undo the changes on field values, recourse till the specific number of iteration
 void Link.undo(int iterNum, Framework framework)
          Undo the changes on field values, till the specific number of iteration
 void Workflow.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void WebService.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void View.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void User.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void UnitMeasure.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void Team.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void Query.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void Program.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void ObjectSpace.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void ObjectObj.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the ObjectObj: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void ObjectGroup.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void MetricSystem.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void Menu.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void Mail.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void LocalArea.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void LinkType.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void Link.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the Link: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void Lifecycle.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void Graph.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void Form.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void FileType.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void FileSpace.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void Field.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void Feature.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void Command.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void Class.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void AutoNumber.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void Assignment.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
abstract  void AdminBase.unlink(Framework framework)
          Close the object: disconnect the memory instance from the database instance
 void ObjectObj.unlock(boolean unlockFiles, Framework framework)
          UnLock the ObjectObj.
 void ObjectObj.unlock(Framework framework)
          UnLock the ObjectObj and all its attached files A User can unlock a ObjectObj if he has unlock permission on it and the he is the locker.
 void Process.update(Framework framework)
          Update a running process
 void Process.updateStep(ProcessStep step, Framework framework)
          Update a running step
 void Workflow.validate(Framework framework)
          Validate this Workflow
 void ObjectObj.validate(java.lang.String validationName, java.lang.String note, Framework framework)
          Validate (approve) a Validation defined at current Lifecycle-Stage.
 void Workflow.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the Workflow object to the database The operation is allowed only if there is no Process instances for this Workflow.
 void WebService.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the WebService object to the database
 void View.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the View object to the database
 void User.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the User object to the database
 void UnitMeasure.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the UnitMeasure object to the database
 void Team.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the Team object to the database
 void Query.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the Query object to the database
 void Program.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the Program object to the database
 void ObjectSpace.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the ObjectSpace object to the database
 void MetricSystem.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the MetricSystem object to the database
 void Menu.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the Menu object to the database
 void LocalArea.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the LocalArea object to the database
 void LinkType.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the LinkType object to the database
 void Lifecycle.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the Lifecycle object to the database
 void Graph.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the Graph object to the database
 void Form.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the Form object to the database
 void FileType.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the FileType object to the database
 void FileSpace.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the FileSpace object to the database
 void Field.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the Field object to the database
 void Feature.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the Feature object to the database
 void Command.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the Command object to the database
 void Class.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the Class object to the database
 void AutoNumber.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the AutoNumber object to the database.
 void Assignment.write(boolean force, Framework framework)
          Update the Assignment object to the database
 void Workflow.write(Framework framework)
          Update the Workflow object to the database The operation is allowed only if there is no Process instances for this Workflow.
 void WebService.write(Framework framework)
          Update the WebService object to the database
 void View.write(Framework framework)
          Update the View object to the database
 void User.write(Framework framework)
          Update the User object to the database
 void UnitMeasure.write(Framework framework)
          Update the UnitMeasure object to the database
 void Team.write(Framework framework)
          Update the Team object to the database
 void Query.write(Framework framework)
          Update the Query object to the database
 void Program.write(Framework framework)
          Update the Program object to the database
 void ObjectSpace.write(Framework framework)
          Update the ObjectSpace object to the database
 void ObjectObj.write(Framework framework)
          Update the ObjectObj to the database
 void ObjectGroup.write(Framework framework)
          Update the ObjectGroup object to the database
 void MetricSystem.write(Framework framework)
          Update the MetricSystem object to the database
 void Menu.write(Framework framework)
          Update the Menu object to the database
 void Mail.write(Framework framework)
          Not used
 void LocalArea.write(Framework framework)
          Update the LocalArea object to the database
 void LinkType.write(Framework framework)
          Update the LinkType object to the database
 void Link.write(Framework framework)
          Update the Link to the database
 void Lifecycle.write(Framework framework)
          Update the Lifecycle object to the database
 void Graph.write(Framework framework)
          Update the Graph object to the database
 void Form.write(Framework framework)
          Update the Form object to the database
 void FileType.write(Framework framework)
          Update the FileType object to the database
 void FileSpace.write(Framework framework)
          Update the FileSpace object to the database
 void Field.write(Framework framework)
          Update the Field object to the database
 void Feature.write(Framework framework)
          Update the Feature object to the database
 void Command.write(Framework framework)
          Update the Command object to the database
 void Class.write(Framework framework)
          Update the Class object to the database
 void AutoNumber.write(Framework framework)
          Update the AutoNumber object to the database
 void Assignment.write(Framework framework)
          Update the Assignment object to the database
abstract  void AdminBase.write(Framework framework)
          Update the object to the database

Constructors in com.oberon.ooql.sdk with parameters of type Framework
FormUserItem(Item item, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
FormUserItem(Item item, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)
Framework(Framework framework)
          Create (clone) the new OBEROn session from another Framework.
ViewUserColumn(Column column, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework)
ViewUserColumn(Column column, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> filterArgs, Framework framework, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> counters)


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