OBEROn - Bug Trace - Oberon Platform
Viewing Issue Advanced Details
96 General feature always 2013-06-28 19:41 2013-09-19 17:34
closed 4.0 - DB build 0070  
no change required  
0000096: Please add a Link to Tutorial Index in each page of Tutorial
Could you please add a link to the tutorial index page from each section of tutorial page. Now I have to click support->tutorial
Issue History
2013-06-28 19:41 g_prajeesh New Issue
2013-09-19 17:34 administrator Note Added: 0000168
2013-09-19 17:34 administrator Status new => closed
2013-09-19 17:34 administrator Resolution open => no change required

2013-09-19 17:34   
When you are reading a page in the tutorial section, the menu on the left shows all the items related to support; the support menu is already expanded, just click the "tutorial" link