OBEROn - Bug Trace - Oberon Platform
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6 Context Design block always 2009-10-13 10:39 2009-10-14 16:15
0000006: Installtion of database fails
I followed the oracle installation instructions untill the following instruction:

To open the Enterprise Context Design client run the startdesign script.
When this consolle recognizes that Oberon is not installed on the declared database server
it enables the Install command in the Connection / Database.. dialog window.

[remark] Until here everything is fine

Insert the database sys@sysdba user and its password and click the Install button to
launch the process.

[remark] Did this too
Wait until the confirm message appairs at the end:

here the installation fails. This takes for ever and no confirmation appears. Information bar in main window says:
Installing OBERON on Jdbc:oracle:thin@

IN the database the tablespace OBADMIN is created and the user OBERON is created. The database schema of this user remains empty...

Somehow the database schema is not created.

Dit not get any error message in this process.

Hope you can resolve this issue.

Issue History
2009-10-13 10:39 fvbakel New Issue
2009-10-14 16:11 administrator Note Added: 0000002
2009-10-14 16:12 administrator Status new => resolved
2009-10-14 16:12 administrator Resolution open => fixed
2009-10-14 16:12 administrator Assigned To => administrator
2009-10-14 16:15 administrator Note Added: 0000003
2009-10-14 16:17 administrator Issue Monitored: administrator
2009-10-14 16:20 administrator Issue End Monitor: administrator

2009-10-14 16:11   
sys@sysdba user is not allowed with jdbc:oracle:thin driver; you should define a new ORACLE SID editing the tnsnames.ora ( you can find it inside the client ADMIN folder: ....\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\network\ADMIN )

For example add a block like this:

      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))

After that, you can use the OCI driver (drvurl=jdbc:oracle:oci8:@OBERON) to create the Oberon tables:

copy the .\etc\samples\oberon_ORACLE_OCI.ini in .\etc\oberon.ini

Maybe is necessary to remove the OBERON user and the OBADMIN tablespace before run the Install command again.
2009-10-14 16:15   
You can use the jdbc:oracle:thin driver only after the first installation.