OBEROn - Bug Trace - All Projects

Excel 2000 Excel View Word 2000 Word View

Viewing Issues ( 1 - 81 )
  PID # CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
 00000213[Oberon Platform]
Domain Objects
featurefeedback (administrator)2022-08-23Need functinality to do check out-check in and undo checkout
 0000130 [Oberon Platform]
crashnew2017-03-25The scaling of concurrent user lead to oberon connection pool full and database lock
 00001251[Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
minorresolved (administrator)2015-01-07Upgrade the CXF libraries and Tika libraries to the latest versions
 0000124 [Oberon Platform]
Java SDK
majorresolved (administrator)2014-10-06Avoid generic types in SDK methods
 0000122 [Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
featureresolved (administrator)2014-10-06Deploy OBEROn applications under the RAP framework
 00001231[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
trivialresolved (administrator)2014-10-06JSON supports for all data extraction
 00001211[Oberon Platform]
Context Design
minorresolved (administrator)2014-08-13Characters are too big in the console GUI and there are some issues with form elements
 00001201[Oberon Platform]
Application server
majorresolved (administrator)2014-08-13framework.link() returns java.lang.NullPointerException
 00001191[Oberon Platform]
Application server
majorresolved (administrator)2014-08-13Unable to compile class for JSP error on Tomcat 7
 00001142[Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
featureresolved (administrator)2014-08-06Add more states for workflow steps and trigger for state change events
 00000901[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
featureresolved (administrator)2014-08-06Additional controls on lifecycle stages
00000953[Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
featureresolved (g_prajeesh)2014-08-03Workflow Super user capability
 00000551[Oberon Platform]
Context Design
featureresolved (administrator)2014-08-03Associating one object param as primary object for a WF and visual displ;ay of the WF process even after completing the WF
 00001181[Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
featureresolved (administrator)2014-08-03Distinguish object lock and file lock
 00001171[Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
featureresolved (administrator)2014-08-03Perform lifecycle actions on workflow execution
 0000113 [Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
featureresolved (administrator)2014-08-03"Add To Recent" property to Lifecycle level
 00001091[Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
featurefeedback (administrator)2014-08-03Need to link Oberon Users with Enterprise AD Servers and Sync
 00001061[Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
majorresolved (administrator)2013-09-19HTTP connection performances
 00001071[Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
featureresolved (administrator)2013-09-19Group applications under a single portfolio
 00001051[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
featureresolved (administrator)2013-07-29Add a tool for executing OOQL commands from a script file
 00001041[Oberon Platform]
majorresolved (administrator)2013-07-29Process monitor doesn't work
 0000103 [Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
minorresolved (administrator)2013-07-28Issue when moving objects to a different objectspace
 00001021[Oberon Platform]
minorresolved (administrator)2013-07-28Installation issue for MySQL 5.6
 0000101 [Oberon Platform]
Context Design
featureresolved (administrator)2013-07-28Add the Object panel for running steps
 0000100 [Oberon Platform]
Context Design
minorresolved (administrator)2013-07-28Step-Process status is not showed
 0000099 [Oberon Platform]
Context Design
minorresolved (administrator)2013-07-28Not possible to stop processes
 00000981[Oberon Platform]
Context Design
featureresolved (administrator)2013-07-28Add auto completion for Java source code
0000097 [Oberon Platform]
Context Design
majorresolved (administrator)2013-07-28Cannot edit feature value
 00000922[Oberon Platform]
featureresolved (administrator)2013-02-03HTTP clients
 0000093 [Oberon Platform]
featureresolved (administrator)2013-02-03Android (client) applications
 00000911[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
featureresolved (administrator)2012-12-19Links Access control
 00000881[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
featureresolved (administrator)2012-12-19Object multiple ownership
 00000871[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
featurefeedback (administrator)2012-12-19Extend the linktype definition
 00000891[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
featureresolved (administrator)2012-10-21Additional information on lifecycle stages
 00000861[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
featureresolved (administrator)2012-10-19Reset field values to default for cloned / revised objects
0000085 [Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
featureresolved (administrator)2012-10-19object addlink should return the linkid of the newly created Link
00000811[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
featureresolved (administrator)2012-09-30Way to destroy multiple objects together
00000801[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
featureresolved (administrator)2012-09-30Like to have variable substitution in query
 00000791[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
featureresolved (administrator)2012-09-21Need to have a feature to get count() type functionalilty of DB in query OOQL
 00000781[Oberon Platform]
Java SDK
minorresolved (administrator)2012-09-21Override toString() method of the ObjectObj and link so that it will display the basic as well as field values if any
 00000771[Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
featureresolved (administrator)2012-08-13Need a function to specify Today as default value for Date Type Field
 00000761[Oberon Platform]
Context Design
featureresolved (administrator)2012-08-08Enabling the history trace for a specific event for all stages
00000732[Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
featureresolved (administrator)2012-08-08Need a functionality so that any update can be raised when two people are trying to save data
 00000711[Oberon Platform]
minorresolved (administrator)2012-01-07Cannot change field value after you set "null"
00000701[Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
majorresolved (administrator)2012-01-07Data loss when change field default value
 00000691[Oberon Platform]
minorresolved (administrator)2012-01-06Extend the database support to PostgreSQL
0000068 [Oberon Platform]
Domain Objects
featureresolved (administrator)2011-10-05Need a way to specify both URL and Program in command Object
00000443[Oberon Platform]
Context Design
featureresolved (administrator)2011-09-24Save Button Should not close the window
 00000641[Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
minorresolved (administrator)2011-09-23Dictionary Import/export from/to Excel files
 00000671[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
featureresolved (administrator)2011-09-22Need to include "get" in OOQL object show get{..} view viewname token
00000661[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
featureresolved (administrator)2011-09-22Object show adminName actions
 00000631[Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
minorresolved (administrator)2011-09-18Automatic check / add labels on dictionary
 00000651[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
minorresolved (administrator)2011-09-16Use the view definition to extract the object/link properties
00000621[Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
featureresolved (administrator)2011-08-19Unit measure management
00000302[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
featureresolved (administrator)2011-08-12Drop Down List of Recently accessed objects
00000611[Oberon Platform]
Context Design
featureresolved (administrator)2011-08-12Create a tool to define automatically a form based on classes fields
 00000601[Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
minorresolved (administrator)2011-08-12Exception message localization
 00000591[Oberon Platform]
Domain Objects
minorresolved (administrator)2011-08-12Add functionality to import / export object instances
 00000315[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
featureresolved (administrator)2011-08-12Functionality for saving the search criteria and share with team, assignment etc
 0000056 [ALEXIA PLM]
featurenew2011-05-16Preference Module for Application
 00000531[Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
featureresolved (administrator)2011-05-12"Accept Task Functionality"
 00000341[Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
majorresolved (administrator)2011-05-07What happen if a localarea is not reachable?
 00000251[Oberon Platform]
Platform functionalities
featureresolved (administrator)2011-05-07Auto-synchronization flag between FS and LAs
 00000391[Oberon Platform]
Context Design
featureresolved (administrator)2011-05-01Tree view with Application Level as parent node
 00000381[Oberon Platform]
Oberon SWT Client
featureresolved (administrator)2011-05-01User activity list should be visible as default page
 00000201[Oberon PLM]
featureresolved (administrator)2010-05-11Administration objects cached for each user
 0000019 [Oberon Platform]
Context Design
textresolved (administrator)2010-04-23Cannot type the dot character inside the java program editor
 0000018 [Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
minorresolved (administrator)2010-04-23Problems with localarea check and defrag commands
 0000017 [Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
majorresolved (administrator)2010-04-23Filetype change command doesn't work
00000151[Oberon Platform]
Context Design
majorresolved (administrator)2010-04-06Cannot use the quote character inside the text fields
 00000161[Oberon Platform]
Context Design
minorresolved (administrator)2010-04-06Cannot apply form modifications
 00000142[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
blockresolved (administrator)2010-03-13Install Oberon PLM failed
00000121[Oberon Platform]
featureresolved (administrator)2010-02-28Two Oberon instances in the same Oracle database
 00000111[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
minorresolved (administrator)2010-02-13Field date-time type
 00000131[Oberon Platform]
Domain Objects
majorresolved (administrator)2010-02-13Cannot add the lifecycle stages
 00000096[Oberon Platform]
minorresolved (administrator)2010-02-04Error instaling on mysql
 00000101[Oberon PLM]
crashresolved (administrator)2010-02-04Oberon PLM doen't work with Oberon build 0033
 00000081[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
majorresolved (administrator)2010-02-04To versus Navigate problem
 00000071[Oberon Platform]
OOQL language
majorresolved (administrator)2010-02-04Object navigation problem
 00000062[Oberon Platform]
Context Design
blockresolved (administrator)2009-10-14Installtion of database fails
 00000051[Oberon Platform]
Context Design
blockresolved (administrator)2009-10-09Installation fails